List of Words Starting With zed, zou, arq

List of Words Starting With ZED

Only a handful of words start with ‘zed.’ Here are these words with definitions.


The letter z.


The dried rhizome of an indian plant (curcuma zedoaria) of the ginger family that has a bitter taste and is used medicinally especially as an intestinal stimulant and carminative.


The dried rhizome of an indian plant (curcuma zedoaria) of the ginger family that has a bitter taste and is used medicinally especially as an intestinal stimulant and carminative.


The letter z.

The following word also start with zed; however, we couldn’t find definition of this word from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

  • Zedekiah

List of Words Starting With ZOU

The following words start with ‘zou.’


A member of a french infantry unit originally composed of algerians wearing a brilliant uniform and conducting a quick spirited drill; a member of a military unit adopting the dress and drill of the zouaves.


A member of a french infantry unit originally composed of algerians wearing a brilliant uniform and conducting a quick spirited drill; a member of a military unit adopting the dress and drill of the zouaves.


Canton of north central switzerland area 92 square miles (238 square kilometers), population 113,000; commune in north central switzerland on lake of zug population 26,000.


—used as a mild oath.

The following word also start with zou; however, we couldn’t find definition of this word from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

  • Zoubek

List of Words Starting With ARQ

The following words start with ‘arq.’


A matchlock gun invented in the 15th century which was portable but heavy and was usually fired from a support.


A matchlock gun invented in the 15th century which was portable but heavy and was usually fired from a support.


A mineral consisting of a soft malleable variety of amalgam.

The following words also start with arq; however, we couldn’t find definitions of these words from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

  • Arq
  • Arquated
  • Arquebusier
  • Arquifoux
  • Arquit