Here is a list of Spanish six letter words that start with ‘O.’ There are 449 Spanish words in these tables.
A few Spanish words starting with ‘O’ are no longer used in our current literature; therefore, we have excluded those. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
Table of Contents
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘A’
There are 98 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obceca | objeta |
oblada | oblata |
obliga | obraba |
obrada | obrara |
obrera | obsesa |
obtura | obtusa |
occisa | ociosa |
ocluia | ocluya |
octava | oculta |
ocurra | odiaba |
odiada | odiara |
odiosa | odisea |
ofenda | ofensa |
oferta | oficia |
ofusca | ojeaba |
ojeada | ojeara |
oleaba | oleada |
oleara | oleosa |
oleria | oliera |
olisca | ollera |
olmeca | olmeda |
olvida | omitia |
onagra | oncena |
ondina | ondula |
onzava | operia |
opiada | opiata |
oponga | oponia |
oprima | optaba |
optada | optara |
optica | optima |
opugna | oraria |
orbita | ordena |
ordeña | ordiga |
oreaba | oreada |
oreara | orejea |
orilla | orlaba |
orlada | orlara |
ornaba | ornada |
ornara | oronda |
ortega | ortiga |
ortiva | orzaba |
orzara | osadia |
osaria | oscila |
oscura | otaria |
oteaba | oteada |
oteara | otomia |
otorga | otrora |
ovilla | oxeaba |
oxeada | oxeara |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘D’
There are 12 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obviad | ocupad |
omitid | oncead |
ondead | opacad |
operad | opinad |
oponed | orinad |
ovulad | oxidad |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘E’
There are 57 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
objete | obraje |
obrare | obrase |
obtene | obture |
obtuve | ocluye |
oculte | ocurre |
odiare | odiase |
ofende | oferte |
oficie | ofrece |
ojeare | ojease |
oleaje | oleare |
olease | oliere |
oliese | oliste |
olvide | ondule |
opaque | oprime |
optare | optase |
optime | opugne |
orante | oraste |
orbite | ordene |
ordeñe | oreare |
orease | orejee |
orense | orille |
orlare | orlase |
ornare | ornase |
orzare | orzase |
osaste | oscile |
oteare | otease |
oville | ovoide |
oxeare | oxease |
oyente |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘I’
There are 5 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
ocurri | ofendi |
ofreci | oprimi |
otrosi |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘L’
There are 6 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
ojival | orinal |
oropel | ostral |
otoñal | overol |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘N’
There are 45 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obstan | obsten |
obvian | obvien |
ocupan | ocupen |
oirian | oleran |
omitan | omiten |
oncean | onceen |
ondean | ondeen |
opacan | opcion |
operan | operen |
opinan | opinen |
oponen | oraban |
oraran | oraren |
oraron | orasen |
orejon | orfeon |
origen | orinan |
orinen | osaban |
osaran | osaren |
osaron | osasen |
ostion | ovulan |
ovulen | oxidan |
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
oxiden | oyeran |
oyeren | oyeron |
oyesen |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘O’
There are 74 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obceco | obispo |
objeto | obligo |
obrado | obrero |
obseso | obturo |
obtuso | obtuvo |
occiso | oceano |
ochavo | ocioso |
ocluyo | octano |
octavo | octeto |
oculto | ocurro |
odiado | odioso |
ofendo | oferto |
oficio | ofusco |
ojeado | oleado |
oleoso | olfato |
olisco | ollero |
olmedo | olvido |
omitio | onceno |
ondulo | onzavo |
oolito | opiado |
opongo | oporto |
oprimo | optado |
optico | optimo |
opugno | orando |
orbito | ordago |
ordeno | ordeño |
oreado | orejeo |
organo | orillo |
orlado | ornado |
ornato | orondo |
orzado | osando |
osario | oscilo |
osculo | oscuro |
osezno | otario |
oteado | otorgo |
ovario | ovillo |
oxeado | oyendo |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘R’
There are 16 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obstar | obviar |
ocular | ocupar |
olivar | omitir |
oncear | ondear |
opacar | operar |
opinar | oponer |
orador | orinar |
ovular | oxidar |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘S’
There are 133 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
obesas | obesos |
obices | obitos |
obleas | obolos |
obrais | obreis |
obuses | obvias |
obvies | obvios |
ocasos | ocluis |
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
ocotes | ocupas |
ocupes | odiais |
odieis | oestes |
ohmios | oiamos |
oibles | oigais |
oireis | oirias |
ojales | ojeais |
ojeeis | ojenes |
ojeras | ojetes |
ojitos | ojivas |
ojotas | olamos |
oleais | oleeis |
olemos | oleras |
oliais | olidas |
olidos | olimos |
olivas | olivos |
olores | olotes |
ombues | omegas |
omisas | omisos |
omitas | omites |
omitis | onceas |
oncees | ondeas |
ondees | onices |
opacas | opacos |
opadas | opados |
opalos | operas |
operes | opimas |
opimos | opinas |
opines | opones |
optais | opteis |
orabas | oradas |
orados | orales |
oramos | oraras |
orares | orases |
orates | orceis |
oreais | oreeis |
orejas | oremos |
orgias | orinas |
orines | orlais |
orleis | ornais |
orneis | oroyas |
orugas | orujos |
orzais | osabas |
osadas | osados |
osamos | osaras |
osares | osases |
osemos | ostras |
osunas | osunos |
otates | oteais |
oteeis | oteros |
otitis | otoños |
ovales | ovalos |
ovejas | ovinas |
ovinos | ovulas |
ovules | ovulos |
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
oxeais | oxeeis |
oxidas | oxides |
oxidos | oyeras |
oyeres | oyeses |
ozonos |
Six Letter Spanish Words Starting With ‘O’ and Ending in ‘T’
There are 2 words in the following table.
6 Letter | 6 Letter |
offset | output |