There are more than 600,000 English words. But, most of those words are no longer used in modern literature. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary recognizes only about 200,000 words. Out of those 200,000; around 10,000 are verbs.
Table of Contents
Complete List of ‘Verbs’ Starting With ‘Q’
Here is a complete list of verbs that start with ‘Q.’ There are 49 verbs in this table starting with ‘Q.’ This list also contains words that can be used both as nouns and verbs.
Verbs | Verbs |
Quack | Quackle |
Quad | Quadruple |
Quadruplicate | Quaff |
Quail | Quake |
Qualify | Quantify |
Quantitate | Quantize |
Quarantine | Quarrel |
Quarry | Quarter |
Quarterback | Quash |
Quaver | Queak |
Queen | Queer |
Quelch | Quell |
Quench | Query |
Quest | Question |
Queue | Quibble |
Quicken | Quiddle |
Quiet | Quieten |
Quill | Quilt |
Quintuple | Quintuplicate |
Quip | Quirk |
Quirt | Quit |
Quitclaim | Quiver |
Quixotize | Quiz |
Quoin | Quoit |
Quote |
Complete List of ‘Verbs’ Starting With ‘V’
Here is a complete list of verbs that start with ‘V.’ There are 118 verbs in these tables starting with ‘V.’ This list also contains words that can be used both as nouns and verbs.
Verbs | Verbs |
Vacate | Vacation |
Vaccinate | Vacillate |
Vacuum | Vagabond |
Vail | Valet |
Validate | Valorize |
Valuate | Value |
Vamoose | Vamp |
Vampirize | Van |
Vandalize | Vanish |
Vanquish | Vape |
Vapor | Vaporize |
Variegate | Varitype |
Varnish | Vary |
Vasectomize | Vat |
Vaticinate | Vault |
Vaunt | Veal |
Vector | Veer |
Vegetalize | Vegetate |
Veil | Vein |
Velarize | Vellicate |
Vend | Veneer |
Venerate | Venge |
Venom | Vent |
Ventilate | Ventriloquize |
Venture | Verb |
Verbalize | Verbify |
Verge | Verify |
Vernacularize | Verse |
Versify | Vesicate |
Vesiculate | Vest |
Vesture | Vet |
Veteranize | Veto |
Vex | Vibe |
Vibrate | Victimize |
Victual | Videotape |
Vie | View |
Vignette | Vilify |
Vilipend | Villainize |
Vindicate | Vine |
Vinify | Violate |
Virilize | Visa |
Vise | Vision |
Visit | Visualize |
Visé | Vitalize |
Vitiate | Vitrify |
Vituperate | Vivify |
Vivisect | Vizy |
Vocalize | Vociferate |
Vogue | Voice |
Void | Volatilize |
Volatize | Volley |
Volplane | Volume |
Volumize | Volunteer |
Vomit | Voodoo |
Vote | Vouch |
Voucher | Vouchsafe |
Vow | Vowelize |
Voyage | Vroom |
Vulcanize | Vulgarize |