Here is a complete list of verbs that start with ‘P.’ There are 762 verbs in these tables starting with ‘P.’ This list also contains words that can be used both as nouns and verbs. As there are more than a hundred verbs, we have not provided a definition here. Please visit Merriam-Webster dictionary for a meaning.
Moreover, there are more than 600,000 English words. But, most of those words are no longer used in modern literature. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary recognizes only about 200,000 words. Out of those 200,000; around 10,000 are verbs.
Verbs Verbs Pace Pacify Pack Package Pad Paddle Padlock Paganize Page Paginate Pain Paint Pair Pal Palatalize Palaver Pale Palisade Pall Palletize Palliate Palm Palp Palpate Palpitate Palsy Palter Pam Pamper Pamphleteer Pamphletize Pan Pancake Pander Pandy Panel Panfry Pang Panhandle Panic Panoram Pansexualize Pant Pantomime Pants Paper Papize Par Parachute Parade Paragon Paragraph Parallel Paralyze Parameterize Paraphrase Parasitize Parboil Parbreak Parcel Parch Pardon Pare Parent Parenthesize Parge Parget Park Parlay Parle Parley Parochialize Parody Parole Parquet Parrot Parry Parse Part Partake Partialize Participate Particularize Partition Partner Party Pash Pass Pass over Passage Passivate Paste Pasteurize Pastor Pasture Pat Patch Patent Pathologize Patinate Patine Patrol Patronize Patter Pattern Paulinize Pauperize Pause Pave Pavilion Paw Pawn Pay Pay off Peace Peach Peacock Peak Peal Pearl
Verbs Verbs Pearten Pebble Peck Pectize Peculate Pedal Peddle Pedestal Pedestrianize Pee Peek Peel Peen Peep Peer Peeve Peg Peise Pelagianize Pell Pellet Pelletize Pelt Pen Penalize Penance Pencil Penetrate Pension People Pep Pepper Perambulate Perceive Perch Percolate Percuss Perdure Peregrinate Perennate Perfect Perforate Perform Perfume Perfuse Periclitate Peril Periphrase Perish Perjure Perk Perm Permeate Permit Permute Perorate Peroxidate Peroxide Perpend Perpetrate Perpetuate Perplex Persecute Perseverate Persevere Persist Personalize Personate Personify Perspire Persuade Pertain Perturb Peruse Pervade Pervert Pester Pestle Pet Peter Petition Petrify Pettifog Pettle Phagocytize Phagocytose Pharyngealize Phase Phase down Phase out Phenotype Philander Philologize Philosophize Phonate Phone Phony Phosphatize Phosphoresce Phosphorylate Photo Photobomb Photocompose Photocopy Photoengrave Photograph Photolyze Photosensitize Photoset Photoshop Photostat Phrase Physic Physicalize Physiologize Pi Picaroon Pick Pick off Pick up
Verbs Verbs Pickeer Picket Pickle Picnic Pictorialize Picture Picturize Piddle Pie Piece Pierce Piffle Pig Pigeonhole Piggyback Pigment Pigstick Pike Pile Pilfer Pilgrimage Pilgrimize Pill Pillage Pillar Pillory Pillow Pilot Pimp Pin Pinball Pinch Pine Ping Pinguefy Pinion Pink Pinnacle Pinpoint Pinprick Pinwheel Pioneer Pip Pipe Pique Pirate Pirl Piss Pit Pitch Pitchpole Pith Pity Pivot Placard Placate Place Placekick Plagiarize Plague Plain Plait Plan Plane Planish Plank Plant Plash Plasmolyze Plaster Plasticize Plat Platch Plate Plateau Platinize Platitudinize Platonize Platoon Play Play back Play off Playact Pleach Plead Please Pleasure Pleat Pledge Plenish Plight Plim Plink Plod Plonk Plop Plot Plotz Plounce Plow Plow back Pluck Plug Plumb Plume Plummet Plump Plumpen Plunder Plunge Plunk Pluralize Ply Poach Pock Pocket Pockmark Pod Poeticize Poetize
Verbs Verbs Pogrom Point Poise Poison Poke Polarize Pole Poleax Polemicize Polemize Police Polish Politicalize Politicize Politick Poll Pollard Pollinate Pollute Polymerize Polyploidize Pommel Pond Ponder Poniard Pontificate Poo Pooch Pooh-pooh Pool Poop Pop Popularize Populate Porcelainize Pore Porpoise Port Portage Portend Porter Portion Portray Pose Posit Position Possess Post Postdate Poster Posterize Postmark Postpone Posttension Postulate Posture Pot Potboil Potentiate Pother Potlatch Potshot Potter Pouch Poultice Pounce Pound Pour Poussette Pout Powder Power Powwow Pox Practice Praise Prance Prang Prank Prate Prattle Prawn Pray Preach Preachify Preannounce Preapprove Prearrange Preassign Prebake Prebook Precancel Precede Precensor Precent Precess Prechill Precipitate Preclear Preclude Precompute Preconceive Precondition Preconfigure Precook Precool Precrease Predate Prede Predecease Predestinate Predestine Predetermine Predicate Predict Predigest Predispose Predivine Predominate Predomine
Verbs Verbs Predrill Preempt Preen Preengage Preestablish Preexist Prefabricate Preface Prefer Prefigure Prefile Prefinance Prefix Preflight Prefocus Preform Preformat Preformulate Pregame Pregnate Preheat Preinstall Prejudge Prejudicate Prejudice Prelatize Prelect Preload Prelude Premake Premanufacture Premeasure Premeditate Premier Premiere Premise Premix Premodify Premoisten Premold Premonish Prenominate Prenotify Prentice Prenumber Preoccupy Preordain Preorder Prep Prepackage Prepare Prepaste Prepay Preplan Preponderate Preportion Prepossess Preprice Preprint Preprocess Preprogram Prepunch Prepurchase Prequalify Prerinse Presage Preschedule Prescind Prescore Prescreen Prescribe Prescrive Preselect Presell Present Preserve Preset Preshrink Preside Presignify Preslice Presoak Presort Prespecify Press Pressure Pressurize Prestamp Presterilize Prestore Prestress Prestructure Presume Presuppose Presweeten Pretape Pretend Pretension Pretermit Pretrain Pretreat Prettify Pretty Pretype Prevail Prevaricate Prevent Preview Prevision Prewarn Prewash Prewrap Prey Price Prick Prickle Pride Prill Prim Prime
Verbs Verbs Primp Pringle Prink Prinkle Print Print out Prioritize Prison Privatize Privilege Prize Probate Probe Problematize Proceed Process Procession Proclaim Procrastinate Procreate Proctorize Procure Prod Proddle Produce Profane Profess Professionalize Proffer Profile Profit Prog Prognosticate Program Programme Progress Prohibit Project Proke Prolapse Proletarianize Proliferate Prologize Prolong Promenade Promise Promote Prompt Promulgate Prone Prong Pronounce Proof Proofread Prop Propagand Propagandize Propagate Propel Propend Properate Prophesize Prophesy Propine Propitiate Propone Proportion Proportionate Propose Proposition Propound Prorate Prorogate Prorogue Proscribe Prose Prosecute Proselyte Proselytize Prosify Prospect Prosper Prostitute Prostrate Protect Protend Protest Protocolize Protonate Protract Protrude Prove Proverb Provide Provincialize Provision Provoke Prowl Prune Prussianize Pry Psych Psychoanalyze Psychologize Psychometrize Publicize Publish Pucker Puddle Puff Pug Puke Pule Pull Pull out Pull over Pullulate Pulp Pulsate Pulse
Verbs Verbs Pulverize Pummel Pump Pun Punch Punctuate Puncture Pungle Punish Punt Pup Pupate Pupilize Purchase Puree Purfle Purge Purify Puritanize Purl Purloin Purple Purport Purpose Purr Purse Pursue Purvey Push Pussyfoot Pustulate Put Put in Put out Putrefy Putter Putty Putz Puzzle Pyramid Pyrograph Pyrolyze