Here is a complete list of verbs that start with ‘H.’ There are 283 verbs in these tables starting with ‘H.’ This list also contains words that can be used both as nouns and verbs. As there are more than a hundred verbs, we have not provided a definition here. Please visit Merriam-Webster dictionary for a meaning.
Moreover, there are more than 600,000 English words. But, most of those words are no longer used in modern literature. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary recognizes only about 200,000 words. Out of those 200,000; around 10,000 are verbs.
Verbs Verbs Habilitate Habit Habituate Hachure Hack Hackle Hackney Haft Haggle Hagride Hail Hale Hallmark Hallow Hallucinate Halo Halogenate Halt Halter Halterbreak Halve Ham Hammer Hamper Hamstring Hanch Hand Hand off Hand out Hand over Handcraft Handcuff Handicap Handle Handload Handpick Handsel Handwrite Hang Hang out Hangar Hanker Hap Happen Harangue Harass Harbinger Harbor Harden Hare Hark Harl Harm Harmonize Harness Harp Harpoon Harrow Harrumph Harry Harshen Harvest Hash Hassle Haste Hasten Hat Hatch Hate Haul Haunt Have Haver Havoc Haw Hawk Hay Hazard Haze Head Headhunt Headline Headquarter Heal Heap Hear Hearken Hearse Heart Hearten Heat Heave Hebetate Hebraize Heckle Hector Hedge Hedgehop Heed Heel Heft Heighten Heil Heir Heist Helicopter Hellenize Helm Help Hem Hemolyze Hemorrhage Hemstitch Henna Henpeck Hent Herald Herd Herniate Heroicize
Verbs Verbs Heroize Herringbone Hesitate Heterodyne Hew Hex Hibernate Hiccup Hide Hie Hierarchize Higgle Highball Highjack Highlight Hightail Hijack Hike Hill Hinder Hinge Hint Hip Hire Hirsel Hiss Historicize Hit Hitch Hitchhike Hive Hoard Hoarsen Hoast Hoax Hob Hobble Hobnob Hobo Hock Hocus Hoe Hog Hoick Hoise Hoist Hoke Hold Hold back Hold out Hold over Hold up Hole Holiday Holler Hollo Hollow Home Homeport Homer Homeschool Homestead Homogenize Homologate Homologize Hone Honey Honeycomb Honeyfuggle Honeymoon Honk Honor Hoodoo Hoodwink Hoof Hook Hook up Hoop Hoot Hooverize Hop Hope Hopscotch Hornswoggle Horrify Horse Horsewhip Hose Hospitalize Host Hostel Hostess Hot Hotch Hotdog Hotfoot Hotten Hound House Housebreak Houseclean Housekeep Housel Hover Howk Howl Huck Huckster Huddle Huff Hug Hulk Hull Hum Humanize Humble Humblebrag Humbug Humect Humectate
Verbs Verbs Humidify Humiliate Humor Hump Humph Hunch Hunger Hunker Hunt Hurdle Hurl Hurry Hurt Hurtle Husband Hush Husk Hustle Hybridize Hydrate Hydrogenate Hydrolyze Hydroplane Hydroseed Hydroxylate Hymn Hype Hyperbolize Hypercriticize Hyperextend Hyperimmunize Hyperpolarize Hypersensitize Hypertrophy Hyperventilate Hyphen Hyphenate Hypnotize Hypo Hypophysectomize Hypostatize Hypothecate Hypothesize