Here is a list of Five letter words that start with ‘O.’ There are 270 Five letter words in these tables. As there are more than a hundred words, we have not provided a definition here.
A few words starting with the letter ‘O’ are no longer used in our current literature; therefore, we have excluded those. This list is made following the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words O.g.s Oaken Oakie Oakum Oared Oasal Oases Oasis Oaten Oater Oates Oaths Oaves Obama Obang Obeah Obeli Obese Obiit Oblat Obley Obole Oboli Obrok Obuda Ocala Occam Occur Ocean Ocher Oches Ochna Ochre Ochry Ocoee Ocote Ocrea Octad Octal Octet Octyl Oculi Odahs Oddly Odesa Odets Odeum Odhal Odist Odium Odori Odour Odyle Oecia Oecus Oenin Offal Offed Offen Offer Oflag Often Ogdai Ogden Ogeed Ogham Oghuz Ogive Ogled Ogler Oglio Ogmic Ohelo Ohian Ohmic Ohone Oidia Oiled Oiler Oimee Okapi Okume Okvik Olcha Olden Older Oldie Oleds Olein Olent Oleum Oleyl Olios Oliva Olive Ollav Ollie Olmec Ology Olona Olpae Olpes Omagh Omaha Omani Omasa Ombre Ombré Omdeh Omega Omiya Omrah Omura Oncer Oncet Onery Onges Ongis Onion Onium
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Onkoi Onkos Onlap Onmun Onset Ontic Oohed Ooman Oomph Oopak Oopod Oorie Ootid Oozed Opata Opelu Opepe Opera Ophic Ophir Opihi Opine Oping Opium Opole Oppos Opsin Opted Optic Orach Oracy Orang Orans Orant Oraon Orate Orbed Orbic Orbit Orcas Orcin Orczy Order Ordos Ordre Oread Oreos Organ Orgia Orgue Orhon Oribi Orion Oriya Orlon Ormer Ormuz Ornis Oroke Oromo Orpit Orris Orrow Ortet Ortho Oruro Oryol Oryza Osage Osaka Oscan Oscar Osete Oside Osier Osler Osmia Osmic Osmol Osone Ossed Osses Osset Ossia Ostia Otaku Otary Otate Other Otomi Ottar Otter Otuke Otway Oucht Ought Ouida Ouija Oujda Ounce Ouphe Ourie Ousel Ousia Ousts Outby Outdo Outed Outen Outer Outgo Outie Outro Outré Outta Ouzel Ovary Ovate Overt Ovine
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Ovism Ovist Ovoid Ovolo Ovula Ovule Owens Owies Owing Owler Owlet Owned Owner Oxbow Oxeae Oxeas Oxeye Oxfam Oxfly Oxide Oxime Oxlip Oxman Oxmen Oxter Oxyde Oylet Oyrot Ozark Ozone