Here is a list of Five letter words that start with ‘K.’ There are 425 Five letter words in these tables. As there are more than a hundred words, we have not provided a definition here.
A few words starting with the letter ‘K’ are no longer used in our current literature; therefore, we have excluded those. This list is made following the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Kaaba Kaama Kabob Kabui Kabul Kabwe Kacha Kache Kadai Kadet Kadhi Kadir Kadus Kaens Kaerh Kaffa Kafir Kafka Kafue Kagan Kahal Kahar Kahau Kails Kaine Kajak Kajar Kakar Kakur Kalam Kalat Kalij Kalka Kalon Kalpa Kalua Kamao Kamar Kamas Kamba Kamet Kamia Kamik Kamuk Kanaf Kanak Kandh Kandy Kanem Kangs Kanin Kanji Kanon Kansa Kansu Kanuk Kanun Kanzu Kaori Kapai Kapok Kapor Kappa Kapur Kaput Karaj Karat Karbi Karel Karen Karez Karma Karok Karoo Karri Karst Karun Kasai Kasha Kashi Kaska Kaswa Katas Katel Katik Katin Katis Katos Katsu Katun Kauai Kauch Kauri Kavil Kavya Kayak Kayan Kazak Kazan Kazoo Keats Keawe Kebab Kebob Kecak Kedah Kedge Kedgy Keech Keeks Keels Keene Keens Keesh Keest Keeve Kefir Kegon Keiki Keist
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Kelep Kelim Kelly Kelpy Kelty Kembs Kempt Kempy Kenaf Kench Kendo Kenna Kenny Kenya Kerch Kerek Keres Kerne Kerns Kerry Keryl Kesar Ketal Ketas Ketch Ketib Ketyl Kevel Keyed Keyer Khadi Khaen Khair Khaki Khasi Khaya Khene Khens Kheth Khiva Khiwa Khmer Khmus Khoja Khond Khoum Khufu Khíos Kiaat Kiaki Kiang Kiawe Kibbe Kibbi Kibei Kibla Kicks Kicky Kiddo Kiddy Kieve Kikar Kilby Kiley Kilim Kills Killy Kilos Kilts Kilty Kimri Kinah Kinch Kinda Kings Kinin Kinks Kinky Kinot Kioea Kioga Kioko Kiore Kiosk Kiowa Kippa Kirby Kirin Kirov Kirve Kisan Kiska Kissi Kiswa Kitab Kitan Kitar Kited Kiter Kithe Kitol Kitty Kitul Kitwe Kiver Kiwai Kizil Klang Klans Kleve Klick Klimt Kling Klink Klips Klomp Klong Kloof Kluge Klunk
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Klutz Knack Knarl Knaur Knave Knead Kneed Kneel Knell Knelt Knezi Knick Knife Knish Knits Knive Knock Knoll Knosp Knots Knout Knowe Known Knubs Knurl Koala Koali Koban Kobas Kobos Kobus Kochi Kodak Kodok Kodra Koeri Kogia Kogon Kohen Kohls Kohua Koine Koiné Koiri Koiso Kokam Kokan Kokil Kokko Kokos Kokra Kokum Kolam Kolar Kolea Kolek Kolel Kolis Kolos Kombu Komis Konak Konde Kondh Konev Kongo Konia Konoe Konos Konya Konze Kooky Kopar Kopek Koper Kopje Koppa Korai Koran Korat Korea Korin Koris Korku Korma Koroa Koror Korun Korwa Kosam Kosin Kotah Kotor Kotow Kotte Koula Kousa Kouse Kovno Kovsh Kraal Kraft Krait Krama Krang Krans Kraut Krebs Kreef Kreis Kreng Krewe Krill Kromo Krona Krone Kroon Kroto Krubi Krupp
5 Letter Words 5 Letter Words Kríti Kthib Kubas Kubus Kudos Kudus Kudzu Kufic Kufra Kugel Kukis Kukri Kuksu Kukui Kukus Kulah Kulak Kulan Kulli Kuman Kumbi Kumik Kumni Kumuk Kumyk Kunai Kunbi Kurku Kurmi Kursk Kurta Kurus Kuruş Kusam Kusan Kusch Kusha Kusti Kusum Kutch Kvarh Kvass Kvell Kwapa Kweek Kweni Kweri Kwiri Kwoma Kyack Kyang Kyats Kylie Kylin Kylix Kyloe Kyoga Kyoto Kyrie Kythe Kyyiv Kyzyl Kádár Kâtes Köniz