Here is a complete list of adjectives that start with ‘D.’ There are 1436 adjectives in these tables starting with the letter ‘D.’ As there are more than a hundred adjectives, we have not provided a definition here. Please visit Merriam-Webster dictionary for a meaning.
Moreover, there are more than 600,000 English words. But, most of those words are no longer used in modern literature. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary recognizes only about 200,000 words. Out of those 200,000; around 34,000 are adjectives.
Adjectives Adjectives Dabby Dactylar Dactylographic Dactyloid Dactylosternal Dactylous Daedal Daedalic Daffy Daft Daggered Daggy Daguerrean Dahomean Daily Daimen Dainty Daisied Dalradian Daltonian Damage Damageable Damaging Damascene Damask Damassé Damfool Damine Damn Damnable Damnatory Damned Damning Damnous Damp Dampproof Dampy Dancetté Dancy Dandiacal Dandy Dangerful Dangerless Dangerous Dangersome Danian Danic Danish Dank Dankish Dantean Dantonesque Daphnean Dapper Dappled Dardanian Daredevil Daredevilish Dareful Daring Dark Darkling Darksome Darling Darn Darnation Darrein Darwinian Dashed Dashing Dashy Dastardly Dasyphyllous Dasypodid Datal Dated Dateless Datival Dative Datolitic Daturic Dauby Daughter Daughterly Daunch Daunting Dauntless Davidian Dawny Daydreamy Dayless Daylit Daylong Dazed Dazzling Deaconal Dead Deadbeat Deadborn Deadish Deadly Deadpan Deaf Deafening Dealated Dealbate Dear Deathcare Deathful Deathless Deathlike Deathly Deathy Deavely Debasing Debatable Debby Debile Debilitating Debilitative
Adjectives Adjectives Debitable Deboist Debonair Deboshed Debted Decade-long Decadent Decades-long Decadic Decaffeinated Decahedral Decalobate Decamerous Decametric Decanal Decani Decapitate Decapodiform Decastyle Decasyllabic Decauville Decayable Decayless Deceased Deceitful Deceivable Decennial Decent Deceptious Deceptive Decerebellate Decerebrate Decian Decidable Decided Deciding Deciduary Deciduous Decimal Decimated Decimolar Decisive Declamatory Declarative Declaratory Declinate Declinatory Declining Declivate Declivent Declivitous Declivous Decoctive Decomposite Decompound Decongestant Decorated Decorative Decorator Decorous Decrepit Decrescent Decretive Decretorial Decretory Decuman Decumbent Decuple Decurrent Decursive Decurtate Decurved Decussate Dedicate Dedicated Dedicational Dedicative Dedicatorial Dedolent Deductible Deductive Deductory Deedful Deedy Deep Deepgoing Deepish Deepmost Deepmouthed Deepwater Def Defeasible Defectible Defective Defectless Defectuous Defendant Defensible Defensive Defensory Deferent Deferential Deferrable Deferred Defervescent Defiant Deficient Definable Definite Definitive Deflationist Deflative Deflexed Defluent Defoaming Deforested Deformative Deformed Deft Defunct
Adjectives Adjectives Defunctive Degenerate Degenerative Degenerous Degradable Degradational Degraded Degrading Degreeless Degressive Dehumanizing Dehydro Dehydrofrozen Deictic Deific Deiform Deinotherian Deject Dejected Dekametric Delative Delectable Deleerit Delegable Delegatory Deleterious Deletery Deliberate Delible Delicate Delicious Delighted Delightful Delightless Delightsome Delineated Delinquent Deliquescent Delirious Delish Delitescent Delocutive Delphian Delphic Delphin Delphine Delsartian Delta Delthyrial Deltidial Deltoid Deltoidal Deluded Deluginous Delusive Delusory Deluvial Deluxe Demagogic Demanding Demarcative Demeaning Demegoric Demented Demeritorious Demersal Demesnial Demimondain Demipique Demisexual Demiss Demiurgeous Democratic Democritean Demoded Demographic Demoid Demoniac Demonic Demonologic Demonstrable Demonstratable Demonstrative Demosthenean Demotic Demulcent Demure Demyelinating Denary Dendriform Dendritic Dendroclimatic Dendrogaean Dendrographic Dendroid Dendrologic Dendrophagous Dendrophilous Deniable Denialist Denigrating Denominal Denominative Denotable Denotative Denotive Dense Dental Dentate Dentelated Denticular Denticulate Dentiform Dentilingual Dentinasal Dentirostral Dentulous Denudant Denudate Denudational
Adjectives Adjectives Denudative Denumerable Deodorant Deontic Deoperculate Deoxy Deoxygenated Departed Depauperate Dependable Dependent Depilatory Depilous Deplorable Deplumate Deponent Deponential Deportable Deposable Depot Depraved Deprecating Deprecative Deprecatory Depressant Depressed Depressing Depressional Depressionary Depressive Deprivable Deprived Deputative Derangeable Deranged Derbied Derelict Derf Derisible Derisive Derisory Derivable Derivative Derived Dermal Dermobranchiate Dermomuscular Dermotactile Dern Dernier Derogatory Derricking Descartian Descendant Descendental Descensional Descensive Descriable Descript Descriptionless Descriptive Descriptivistic Desert Deserticolous Desertless Desertward Desertworthy Deserved Deserving Desi Desiccant Desiccated Desiccatory Desiderable Desiderant Designable Designatable Designate Designer Designful Designing Designless Desinent Desinential Desipient Desirable Desireful Desireless Desirous Desitive Deskbound Desktop Desmodont Desmoinesian Desmotropic Desolate Despairful Despairing Desperate Despicable Despisable Despiteful Despiteous Despondent Despotic Dessous Dessus Destinate Destitute Destroyable Destructible Destructional Destructive Desubstantival Desultorious Desultory Detached Detailed Detective Detentive
Adjectives Adjectives Detergent Deteriorable Determinable Determinate Determinative Determined Deterrent Detersive Detestable Detonable Detractory Detrimental Detrited Detrivorous Detrusive Deuced Deuteranomalous Deuteric Deuterocanonical Deuteronomic Deuterotonic Deutocerebral Devastated Devastating Developed Developing Developmental Deverbal Deverbative Devertebrated Deviable Deviant Deviate Deviational Deviative Deviceful Devilish Devious Devoid Devonian Devoted Devotional Devout Dewy Dexiid Dexiotropic Dexter Dexterous Dextral Dextro Dextrogyrate Dextrorotatory Dextrorse Diabatic Diabetic Diabetogenic Diabolical Diabolonian Diacaustic Diachronic Diacid Diaclinal Diaconal Diacranterian Diacritical Diactinal Diactinic Diadactic Diadelphous Diadromous Diageotropic Diaglyphic Diagnostic Diagonal Diaguite Dialable Dialectical Dialkyl Diallel Dialogic Dialypetalous Diamagnetic Diamantiferous Diamantine Diametric Diammonium Diamond Diamondback Diamondiferous Diandrous Dianoetic Diapasonal Diapausing Diaphane Diaphanous Diaphonic Diaphoretic Diapsid Diarch Diarial Diaristic Diaryl Diaschistic Diaspid Diaspine Diastatic Diastomatic Diathermanous Diatomaceous Diatomic Diatonic Diatoric Diatropic Diazo Diazoamino Diazotizable Dibasic Dicalcium Dicarboxylic Dicatalectic
Adjectives Adjectives Dicentric Dicerous Dicey Dichasial Dichlamydeous Dichoptic Dichotic Dichotomal Dichotomic Dichotomous Dichroic Dichromatic Dichromic Dichronous Diclinous Dicoccous Dicolic Dicondylian Dicondylic Dicotylous Dicrocoelid Dicrotic Dictaphonic Dictative Dictatorial Dictatorian Dictatory Dicyemid Didactic Didactive Didactyl Didascalic Didelphian Didelphid Didelphine Didot Didymous Didynamous Diegetic Diel Diet Dietary Dietetic Dietic Different Differential Difficile Difficult Diffident Difform Diffuse Diffusive Difunctional Digammated Digastric Digenetic Digenic Digestible Digestive Digital Digitate Digitigrade Digitinervate Digitipinnate Diglot Diglyphic Dignified Dignitarial Digonal Digoneutic Digonial Digonoporous Digressive Dihexagonal Dihexahedral Dihybrid Dihydric Dilambdodont Dilapidated Dilatant Dilatative Dilated Dilative Dilatory Dilettantist Diligent Diluent Dilute Diluted Diluvial Dim Dim-witted Dimensive Dimerous Dimethyl Dimetient Dimetric Dimidiate Diminished Diminute Diminutival Diminutive Dimissory Dimmish Dimolecular Dimoric Dimorphic Dimorphous Dimpsy Dinantian Dinaphthyl Dinaric Dingy Dinichthyid Dinitro Dinkum Dinky Dinomyid Dinornithid Dinsome
Adjectives Adjectives Dioctahedral Dioctyl Diodorean Dioecian Dioecious Diogenean Dioicous Dionysiac Dionysian Diophantine Dioptral Dioptrate Dioptric Diordinal Dioristic Diorthotic Dioscuric Dipartite Dipetalous Diphase Diphasic Diphtheroid Diphthongic Diphycercal Diphygenic Diphyletic Diphyllous Diphyodont Diplanetic Diplarthrous Diplasic Diplex Diploblastic Diplocaulescent Diplochlamydeous Diplococcoid Diplogangliate Diplogenic Diploglossate Diplohedral Diploid Diploidal Diplomatic Diplospondylic Diplosporous Diplostemonous Diplozoic Dipneumone Dipneumonomorph Dipneumonous Dipneustal Dipneustid Dipnoous Dipode Dipodid Dippy Diprismatic Dipropyl Diprotodont Dipsaceous Dipsey Dipteral Dipteran Dipterocarpous Dipylon Dipyramidal Dire Direct Directable Directed Directional Directive Directoire Directoral Directorial Directory Direful Dirgeful Dirigible Dirten Dirty Disabled Disadvantaged Disadvantageous Disadventurous Disaffected Disagreeable Disappointed Disappointing Disapprobative Disapprobatory Disarming Disastrous Disbodied Disbound Discal Discalceate Discalced Discarnate Discernible Discerning Discerpible Discerptible Discifloral Disciform Discigerous Discinct Disciplinable Disciplinary Disciplinatory Disciplined Discipular Disclamatory Disclosing Discocephalous Discodactylous Discoglossid Discoid Discoidal Discombobulated
Adjectives Adjectives Discommendable Discommodious Disconform Disconformable Disconnected Disconsolate Disconsonant Discontent Discontented Discontinued Discontinuous Disconvenient Discophorous Discopodous Discordant Discount Discountable Discoursive Discourteous Discous Discovert Discreditable Discreet Discrepant Discrete Discretional Discretionary Discretive Discriminable Discriminating Discriminative Discriminatory Discursive Discussional Discussive Disdainful Diseased Diseaseful Disemic Disenchanted Disenfranchised Disengaged Disgeneric Disgraceful Disgracious Disgruntled Disguisable Disguiseless Disgusted Disgustful Disgusting Disharmonious Dished Disheveled Dishonest Dishonorable Dishwatery Dishy Disillusionary Disillusioned Disimpassioned Disincarnate Disinclined Disinfectant Disinfective Disingenuous Disintegrable Disintegrous Disinterested Disjaskit Disjoinable Disjoint Disjointed Disjunct Disjunctional Disjunctive Diskless Disleal Dislikable Dislikeful Dislocable Dislocatory Disloyal Dismal Dismayed Dismayful Dismaying Dismissive Dismoded Dismountable Dismutative Disneyesque Disobedient Disodium Disomatic Disomic Disoperative Disordered Disorderly Disordinate Disorganized Disoriented Disparaging Disparate Dispassionate Dispassioned Dispatchful Dispendious Dispensable Dispensative Dispensible Dispermic Dispermous Dispersive Dispiteous Displacive Displeasant Disponible Disporous Disportive
Adjectives Adjectives Disposable Dispositioned Dispositive Dispossessed Disproportionable Disproportionate Disprovable Disprovided Dispunishable Disputatious Disputative Disquiet Disquisitional Disquisitive Disregardant Disrelated Disreputable Disrespectable Disrespective Disruptive Disruptured Dissatisfactory Dissatisfied Dissected Dissectional Dissective Disseminated Dissentaneous Dissentient Dissenting Dissentious Dissentive Dissepimental Dissertative Disserviceable Dissident Dissilient Dissimilar Dissimulative Dissipable Dissipated Dissipative Dissite Dissociable Dissocial Dissoluble Dissolute Dissolutive Dissonant Dissuadable Dissuasive Dissymmetrical Distaff Distal Distance Distanceless Distant Distasteful Distended Distensible Distensive Distent Disterminate Distichal Distichous Distillable Distinct Distinctionless Distinctive Distinguished Distingué Distomatous Distorted Distortionless Distortive Distract Distracted Distrait Distraite Distraught Distress Distressed Distressful Distributable Distributed Distributive Distrustful Distrustless Disturbant Disturbed Disturbing Distyle Disubstituted Disuniform Disused Disvaluable Ditchless Ditentive Diterpenoid Ditetragonal Dithematic Ditokous Ditransitive Ditrematous Ditrigonal Ditrochean Ditto Ditzy Diuretic Diurnal Diuturnal Divalent Divariant Divellent Divergent Divers Diverse Diversified Diversiform Diversional
Adjectives Adjectives Diversionary Divertible Diverticulate Diverting Divertive Divestitive Divided Dividual Dividuous Divine Divinyl Divisi Divisible Divisionary Divisive Divisory Divorceable Divulsive Dizoic Dizygotic Dizzy Doable Docetic Dochmiac Dochmiacal Docible Docile Docimastic Docious Doctorly Doctrinaire Doctrinal Doctrinary Documentary Doddered Doddering Doddery Dodecamerous Dodecaphonic Dodecasemic Dodecastyle Dodecasyllabic Dodecatonal Dodgy Dodonaean Dog Dogbit Dogged Dogger Doggerel Doggish Doggy Dogheaded Dogleg Dogly Dogmatic Doiled Doited Doitrified Dolabrate Dolabriform Doleful Dolent Dolesome Doless Dolichocephalic Dolichoid Dolichopodid Dolichopodous Dolichoprosopic Dolichostylous Dolichuric Dolioform Doloriferous Dolorous Dolose Domainal Domanial Domatic Domesday Domestic Domesticable Domestical Domesticated Domesticative Domic Domical Domicilable Domiciliary Dominant Domineering Dominical Domitable Domy Donable Donaciform Donatistic Donative Done Donjuanesque Donkeyish Donneish Donnered Donnesque Donnish Donsie Doomful Doomlike Doomy Doored Dopaminergic Dope Dopey Doppler Doric Dorky Dormant Dormie Dormient Dormitive
Adjectives Adjectives Dorsal Dorsalmost Dorsibranchiate Dorsicollar Dorsiferous Dorsifixed Dorsigrade Dorsiventral Dorsolateral Dorsoventral Dorsumbonal Dorty Doryline Dossy Dotal Dotier Dotish Dotty Doty Double Doublehanded Doublehearted Doubtful Doubtless Doubtsome Douce Douchey Doughty Doughy Dour Doux Dovelike Dowable Dowdy Dowerless Dowf Dowly Down Downbeat Downbent Downbound Downcast Downcurved Downfalling Downfaulted Downflowing Downgone Downhand Downhearted Downhill Downhole Downless Downlooked Downright Downscale Downsome Downstairs Downthrown Downtonian Downtown Downtrodden Downward Downy Doxic Doxological Dozened Dozy Drab Drachmal Draconian Draconic Draffy Draft Drafty Drag Draggletailed Draggly Draggy Drainless Dramatic Dramatical Dramatistic Draperied Drastic Drawn Dread Dreadful Dreadless Dreamy Drear Drearisome Dreary Dreepy Dreich Drepaniform Drepanoid Dress Dressmaker Dressy Driftless Drinkable Drinkless Drinky Drip Dripless Drippy Drivable Driven Driving Drizzly Droitural Droll Dromic Dronish Drony Drooly Droopy Drop-down Dropped Dropsical
Adjectives Adjectives Dropsied Drowsy Drudging Drugged Druggie Druggy Drugless Drumlie Drunk Drunken Drupaceous Drupiferous Drusy Druxy Dry Dryasdust Dryland Dryopteroid Drystone Dual Dubby Dubersome Dubious Dubitable Dubitant Dubitative Ducal Duckfooted Ducky Ductible Ductile Dud Duddie Dudgen Due Dueful Duelistic Duff Duffy Dukely Dulce Dulcet Dull Dullish Dumb Dumbstruck Dummel Dummy Dumpish Dumpy Dun Dunal Dunch Duncical Duncish Dunic Dunnish Dunny Dunstable Duny Duodecennial Duodecimal Duodenary Duotone Dupable Duple Duplex Duplicable Duplicate Duplicitous Dur Durable Durative Durchkomponiert Dure Dusk Duskish Dusky Dustproof Dusty Dutch Dutchy Duteous Dutiable Dutied Dutiful Duty Dwaible Dwarf Dweeble Dyakisdodecahedral Dyarchic Dyassic Dying Dynamic Dynamite Dynamoelectric Dynamometamorphic Dynamostatic Dyscrystalline Dysenteric Dysfunctional Dysgenic Dyslogistic Dysmorphic Dysphoric Dysphotic Dysteleological Dystopian Dystrophic Déclassé Décolleté Dégagé Démodé Dépaysé Détraqué