Here is a list of 3 syllable words that start with ‘Y.’ There is a total of 106 words in these tables. Each table is divided into two columns. The left column contains the three-syllable ‘Y’ words, and the right column includes the syllables.
While making this table, we have removed those words that are no longer used in modern literary works. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
Three Syllable Words | Syllables |
Yabucoa | ya-bu-coa |
Yacarana | ja-va-ri |
Yacare | yac-a-re |
Yacata | ya-ca-ta |
Yaffingale | yaf-fin-gale |
Yaguaza | ya-gua-za |
Yahwistic | yah-wis-tic |
Yajurveda | yaj-ur |
Yakama | yak-a-ma |
Yakamik | yak-a-mik |
Yakima | yak-i-ma |
Yakonan | yak-o-nan |
Yakutat | yak-u-tat |
Yakuza | ya-ku-za |
Yamamai | yam-a-mai |
Yamanai | yam-a-nai |
Yamasee | ya-ma-see |
Yamato | ya-ma-to |
Yamuna | ya-mu-na |
Yanggona | yang-go-na |
Yangku | tai-yu-an |
Yankeefy | yan-kee-fy |
Yankeeize | yan-kee-ize |
Yanktonai | yank-to-nai |
Yannigan | yan-ni-gan |
Yappingly | yap-ping-ly |
Yarborough | yar-bor-ough |
Yardmaster | yard-mas-ter |
Yareta | ya-re-ta |
Yarmulke | yar-mul-ke |
Yarura | ya-ru-ro |
Yaruru | ya-ru-ru |
Yataghan | yat-a-ghan |
Yatalite | yat-a-lite |
Yavapai | ya-va-pai |
Yawata | ya-wa-ta |
Yeara | ye-a-ra |
Yeastily | yeast-i-ly |
Yeatmanite | yeat-man-ite |
Yeelaman | yee-la-man |
Yeibichai | yei-bi-chai |
Yellowcake | yel-low-cake |
Yellowknife | yel-low-knife |
Yellowlegs | yel-low-legs |
Yellowly | yel-low-ly |
Yellowness | yel-low-ness |
Yellowses | yel-low-sis |
Yellowstone | yel-low-stone |
Yellowtail | yel-low-tail |
Yellowthroat | yel-low-throat |
Yellowware | yel-low-ware |
Yellowwood | yel-low-wood |
Yenisei | yen-i-sei |
Yenisey | yen-i-sey |
Yeomanette | yeo-man-ette |
Three Syllable Words | Syllables |
Yeomanly | yeo-man-ly |
Yeomanry | yeo-man-ry |
Yerava | ye-ra-va |
Yerevan | ye-re-van |
Yeshiva | ye-shi-va |
Yesilkoy | ye-sil-koy |
Yesterday | yes-ter-day |
Yestereve | yes-ter-eve |
Yestermorn | yes-ter-morn |
Yesternight | yes-ter-night |
Yesteryear | yes-ter-year |
Yetapa | yet-a-pa |
Yezidi | yez-i-di |
Yezo | hok-kai-do |
Yggdrasil | ygg-dra-sil |
Yiddishism | yid-dish-ism |
Yiddishkeit | yid-dish-keit |
Yieldingly | yield-ing-ly |
Yieldingness | yield-ing-ness |
Yockernut | yock-er-nut |
Yohimbe | yo-him-be |
Yohimbine | yo-him-bine |
Yokefellow | yoke-fel-low |
Yokelish | yo-kel-ish |
Yokelry | yo-kel-ry |
Yomawood | yo-ma-wood |
Yoncalla | yon-cal-la |
Yoncopin | yon-co-pin |
Yonkersite | yon-kers-ite |
Yorkshireman | york-shire-man |
Yoruba | yor-u-ba |
Yottabyte | yot-ta-byte |
Youngberry | young-ber-ry |
Younghusband | young-hus-band |
Yourcenar | your-ce-nar |
Yousafzai | you-saf-zai |
Youtuber | you-tub-er |
Ytterbic | yt-ter-bic |
Ytterbous | yt-ter-bous |
Yttrium | yt-tri-um |
Yttrocolumbite | yt-tro-columbite |
Yttrofluorite | yt-tro-fluorite |
Yucaipa | yu-cai-pa |
Yucatec | yu-ca-tec |
Yucatán | yu-ca-tán |
Yukaghir | yu-ka-ghir |
Yukawa | yu-ka-wa |
Yukonite | yu-kon-ite |
Yuppification | yup-pi-fy |
Yuruna | yu-ru-na |
Yushchenko | yush-chen-ko |