Here is a list of 2 syllable words that start with ‘Z.’ There is a total of 219 words in these tables. Each table is divided into two columns. The left column contains the two-syllable ‘Z’ words, and the right column includes the syllables.
While making this table, we have removed those words that are no longer used in modern literary works. This list is made following the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
Two Syllable Words Syllables Zaanstad zaan-stad Zaatar za’a-tar Zabra za-bra Zabrze zab-rze Zadar za-dar Zaddik zad-dik Zaffar zaf-fer Zaftig zaf-tig Zaghlūl zagh-lūl Zagreb za-greb Zaguan za-guan Zaire za-ire Zakah za-kat Zama za-ma Zaman za-man Zambals sam-bal Zambia zam-bia Zambo zam-bo Zamia za-mia Zamouse za-mouse Zanclus zan-clus Zande zan-de Zander zan-der Zanesville zanes-ville Zangwill zan-gwill Zanier za-ny Zanja zan-ja Zanjan zan-jan Zanni zan-ni Zanza zan-za Zaozhuang zao-zhuang Zapper zap-per Zappier zap-py Zapus za-pus Zarah za-rah Zaratite zara-tite Zarqa az-zar-qā’ Zayin za-yin Zazen za-zen Zealless zeal-less Zealot zeal-ot Zealous zeal-ous Zebra ze-bra Zebrano ze-brano Zebrass ze-brass Zebroid ze-broid Zebrula zebru-la Zebu ze-bu Zebub ze-bub Zechin ze-chin Zechstein zech-stein Zedonk ze-donk Zeeland zee-land Zeeman zee-man Zein ze-in
Two Syllable Words Syllables Zeitgeist zeit-geist Zelkoua zel-koua Zeman ze-man Zemi ze-mi Zemmi zem-mi Zemstvo zemst-vo Zendo zen-do Zenger zeng-er Zenith ze-nith Zennist zen-nist Zeoid ze-oid Zeomorph zeo-morph Zephyr zeph-yr Zequin ze-quin Zerda zer-da Zermatt zer-matt Zero ze-ro Zeroth ze-roth Zester zest-er Zeta ze-ta Zetland shet-land Zeugite zeug-ite Zeugma zeug-ma Zeuxis zeux-is Zewail ze-wail Zhambyl ta-raz Zhangzhou zhang-zhou Zhdanov zhda-nov Zhejiang zhe-jiang Zhengzhou zheng-zhou Zhenjiang zhen-jiang Zhongli zhong-li Zhongshan zhong-shan Zhoushan zhou-shan Zhukov zhu-kov Zhuzhou zhu-zhou Zibet zib-et Zibo zi-bo Zieger zie-ger Ziegfeld zieg-feld Zigong zi-gong Zigzag zig-zag Zika zi-ka Zillah zil-lah Zillion zil-lion Zimbel zim-bel Zimmi zim-mi Zimmis dhim-mi Zincate zinc-ate Zincic zinc-ic Zincite zinc-ite Zinco zin-co Zincoid zinc-oid Zincous zinc-ous Zincum zin-cum
Two Syllable Words Syllables Zinder zin-der Zindiq zin-diq Zineb zin-eb Zingel zing-el Zinger zing-er Zink zin-ke Zinnia zin-nia Zinsser zins-ser Zion zi-on Ziphisternum ziphi-sternum Ziplock zip-lock Zipper zip-per Zippered zip-pered Zippier zip-py Zippo zip-po Ziram zi-ram Zircon zir-con Zirphaea zir-phaea Zither zith-er Ziti zi-ti Zizia ziz-ia Zizith zi-zith Zloty zlo-ty Zoan ta-nis Zocco zoc-co Zoea zo-ea Zoftig zof-tig Zogo zo-go Zoid zo-id Zoisia zoi-sia Zoisite zois-ite Zoism zo-ism Zoist zo-ist Zokor zo-kor Zola zo-la Zomba zom-ba Zombi zom-bie Zonal zon-al Zonate zon-ate Zonda zon-da Zoneless zone-less Zonian zon-ian Zoning zon-ing Zonite zo-nite Zonkey zon-key Zonta zon-ta Zonure zo-nure Zoobenthos zoo-benthos Zoocecidia zoo-cecidium Zoochlorella zoo-chlorella Zoocultural zoo-cultural Zooculture zoo-culture Zoodle zoo-dle Zooflagellate zoo-flagellate Zooful zoo-ful
Two Syllable Words Syllables Zoogamete zoo-gamete Zoogler zoog-ler Zoogonidia zoo-gonidium Zooid zo-oid Zoomer zoom-er Zoomimic zoo-mimic Zoopaleontology zoo-paleontology Zoopathological zoo-pathological Zoopathology zoo-pathology Zoopharmacological zoo-pharmacological Zoopharmacy zoo-pharmacy Zoophysics zoo-physics Zoophyte zoo-phyte Zoosperm zoo-sperm Zoosporangiophore zoo-sporangiophore Zoospore zoo-spore Zoosporocyst zoo-sporocyst Zootherapy zoo-therapy Zoototemism zoo-totemism Zoozoo zoo-zoo Zoppa zop-pa Zoque zo-que Zori zo-ri Zoril zor-il Zorra zor-ra Zoster zos-ter Zouave zou-ave Zowie zow-ie Zoysia zoy-sia Zugzwang zug-zwang Zuisin zui-sin Zulu zu-lu Zuma zu-ma Zumba zum-ba Zuni zu-ni Zunyite zun-yite Zurich zu-rich Zurna zur-na Zutphen zut-phen Zuurveldt zuur-veldt Zuzim zu-zim Zwickau zwick-au Zwieback zwie-back Zwinger zwing-er Zwingli zwing-li Zwolle zwol-le Zygite zy-gite Zygnema zyg-nema Zygose zy-gose Zygote zy-gote Zymase zy-mase Zyrtec zyr-tec Zythia zyth-ia Zythum zy-thum