Here is a list of 2 syllable words that start with ‘J.’ There is a total of 503 words in these tables. Each table is divided into two columns. The left column contains the two-syllable ‘J’ words, and the right column includes the syllables.
While making this table, we have removed those words that are no longer used in modern literary works. This list is made following the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jabber jab-ber Jabble jab-ble Jabims ya-bim Jabot ja-bot Jaca ja-ca Jacal ja-cal Jacinth ja-cinth Jacinthe ja-cinthe Jackal jack-al Jackass jack-ass Jackboot jack-boot Jackdaw jack-daw Jackeen jack-een Jacket jack-et Jackfruit jack-fruit Jackknife jack-knife Jackleg jack-leg Jacklight jack-light Jackman jack-man Jackpot jack-pot Jackroll jack-roll Jackscrew jack-screw Jackshay jack-shay Jacksmelt jack-smelt Jackson jack-son Jackstay jack-stay Jackstone jack-stone Jackstraw jack-straw Jacob ja-cob Jacquard jac-quard Jactance jac-tance Jacu ja-cu Jaded jad-ed Jadeite jade-ite Jadish jad-ish Jaeger jae-ger Jaffa jaf-fa Jaffna jaff-na Jager ja-ger Jagged jag-ged Jagger jag-ger Jaggery jag-gery Jaggier jag-gy Jagheer ja-gir Jagla ja-gla Jagless jag-less Jagua ja-gua Jaguar jag-uar Jagüey ja-güey Jailbait jail-bait Jailbird jail-bird Jailbreak jail-break Jailer jail-er Jailhouse jail-house Jainism jain-ism
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jaipur jai-pur Jaipuri jai-puri Jajman jaj-man Jakun ja-kun Jalap jal-ap Jaleo ja-leo Jalopies ja-lopy Jalouse ja-louse Jaman ja-man Jamba jam-ba Jambeau jam-beau Jambee jam-bee Jamber jam-ber Jambi jam-bi Jambo jam-bo Jambok jam-bok Jambone jam-bone Jambool jam-bool Jameson jame-son Jamestown james-town Jammies jam-mies Jammu jam-mu Jamoke ja-moke Jampan jam-pan Jamshid jam-shid Janders jan-ders Janeite jane-ite Janesville janes-ville Jangle jan-gle Jangly jan-gly Janiform jani-form Janker jan-ker Jankers jan-kers Jannock jan-nock Jansen jan-sen Janus ja-nus Janwar jan-war Japan ja-pan Japheth ja-pheth Japlish jap-lish Japyx ja-pyx Jarbah jer-ba Jarbot jar-bot Jargon jar-gon Jargoon jar-goon Jarhead jar-head Jarkman jark-man Jarless jar-less Jarlite jarl-ite Jarool ja-rool Jarovize jaro-vize Jarrah jar-rah Jarrell jar-rell Jarring jar-ring Jarvey jar-vey
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jarvis jar-vis Jarīr ja-rīr Jasey ja-sey Jasmine jas-mine Jasmone jas-mone Jason ja-son Jasper jas-per Jaspered jas-pered Jaspers jas-pers Jaspis jas-pis Jaspopal jasp-opal Jaspé jas-pé Jassid jas-sid Jassy ia-si Jasus ja-sus Jatha ja-tha Jatki jat-ki Jatni jat-ni Jaudie jau-die Jaunder jaun-der Jaunders jaun-ders Jaundice jaun-dice Jaundiced jaun-diced Jauntier jaun-ty Jaurès jau-rès Java ja-va Javel jav-el Javer jav-er Javé ja-vé Jawab ja-wab Jawbone jaw-bone Jawline jaw-line Jawohl ja-wohl Jaxartes syr Jaybird jay-bird Jaycee jay-cee Jaygee jay-gee Jayvee jay-vee Jaywalk jay-walk Jazzist jazz-ist Jazzman jazz-man Jaén ja-én Jealous jeal-ous Jealouse jea-louse Jedburgh jed-burgh Jedda jid-da Jeepable jeep-able Jeepers jee-pers Jeepney jeep-ney Jefe je-fe Jeffers jef-fers Jeffrey jef-frey Jeffreys jef-freys Jegging jeg-ging Jehad je-had
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jehol cheng-de Jehu je-hu Jeju che-ju Jejune je-june Jelick jel-ick Jellied jel-ly Jemappes je-mappes Jemez je-mez Jemmies jem-my Jena je-na Jenner jen-ner Jennet jen-net Jennies jen-ny Jenson jen-son Jeofail jeo-fail Jeon je-on Jeonju chon-ju Jeopard jeop-ard Jerboa jer-boa Jerez je-rez Jerkier jer-ky Jerkin jer-kin Jerome je-rome Jerries jer-ry Jersey jer-sey Jerseyman jersey-man Jervine jer-vine Jervis jer-vis Jesse jes-se Jessur jes-sur Jestee jest-ee Jester jest-er Jesus je-sus Jetbead jet-bead Jetness jet-ness Jetport jet-port Jetsam jet-sam Jetsom jet-son Jettage jet-tage Jetteau jet-teau Jetter jet-ter Jettied jet-ty Jetto jet-to Jettru jet-tru Jetway jet-way Jeté je-té Jevons jev-ons Jewel jew-el Jewelly jew-ely Jewess jew-ess Jewett jew-ett Jewfish jew-fish Jewish jew-ish Jewism jew-ism Jewries jew-ry
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jezail je-zail Jhangar jhang-ar Jhansi jhan-si Jharal jha-ral Jharkhand jhar-khand Jhelum jhe-lum Jhukar jhu-kar Jiangsu jiang-su Jiangxi jiang-xi Jiao ji-ao Jiaozhou jiao-zhou Jibba jib-ba Jibbings jib-bings Jibboom jib-boom Jibi ji-bi Jiboa ji-boa Jibran gib-ran Jiffies jif-fy Jiffle jif-fle Jigger jig-ger Jiggerman jigger-man Jigget jig-get Jiggety jig-gety Jiggish jig-gish Jiggle jig-gle Jiggy jig-gy Jigman jig-man Jigsaw jig-saw Jigua ji-gua Jihad ji-had Jihadi ji-hadi Jilin ji-lin Jillet jill-et Jillion jil-lion Jilong ji-long Jiltee jilt-ee Jimjams jim-jams Jimmied jim-my Jimmies jim-mies Jina ji-na Jinan ji-nan Jingbang jing-bang Jingle jin-gle Jinglet jin-glet Jingo jin-go Jingzhou jing-zhou Jinja jin-ja Jinker jin-ker Jinket jin-ket Jinmen que-moy Jinn jin-ni Jinnah jin-nah Jinny jin-ny Jinzhou jin-zhou Jique ji-qui
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jirga jir-ga Jitney jit-ney Jitter jit-ter Jitteriness jit-tery Jiulong jiu-long Jiva ji-va Jizya jiz-ya Jnana jna-na Jnani jna-ni Joachim jo-achim Joar jo-ar Jobber job-ber Jobbery job-bery Jobbing job-bing Jobble job-ble Jobless job-less Jobo jo-bo Joburg jo-burg Jocism jo-cism Jocist jo-cist Jocker jock-er Jockey jock-ey Jockstrap jock-strap Joco jo-co Jocose jo-cose Jocu jo-cu Jocum jo-cum Jocund jo-cund Jodhpur jodh-pur Jodies jo-dy Jodo jo-do Joel jo-el Joey jo-ey Joffre jof-fre Jogger jog-ger Joggle jog-gle Johnboat john-boat Johnnies john-ny Johnson john-son Johnston john-ston Johnstown johns-town Johor jo-hor Joinder join-der Joiner join-er Joinery join-ery Joining join-ing Jointer joint-er Jointless joint-less Jointness joint-ness Jointress join-tress Jointure join-ture Jointworm joint-worm Joinville join-ville Jokeless joke-less Jokelet joke-let
Two Syllable Words Syllables Joker jok-er Jokester joke-ster Jokey jok-ey Jokul jo-kul Jollied jol-ly Jolliet jol-liet Jolloped jol-loped Jolo jo-lo Jolson jol-son Joltless jolt-less Jomon jo-mon Jonah jo-nah Jonas jo-nas Jonesboro jones-boro Jonglery jon-glery Jongleur jon-gleur Jonquil jon-quil Jonquière jon-quière Jonson jon-son Jonty jon-ty Joplin jop-lin Jordaens jor-daens Jordan jor-dan Jordanon jor-danon Joree jo-ree Jorist jo-rist Jorram jor-ram Jorum jo-rum Josef jo-sef Joseph jo-seph Joshua josh-ua Josie jo-sie Joskin jos-kin Josser jos-ser Jostle jos-tle Jostler jos-tler Josue jos-ue Jota jo-ta Jotter jot-ter Jotting jot-ting Jotun jo-tun Joual jou-al Joubert jou-bert Jouissance jouis-sance Joukery jouk-ery Jourdan jour-dan Journal jour-nal Journey jour-ney Journo jour-no Jova jo-va Jovial jo-vial Jowar jo-war Jower jow-er Jowett jow-ett Jowler jowl-er
Two Syllable Words Syllables Jowser jows-er Jowter jow-ter Joyance joy-ance Joyful joy-ful Joyous joy-ous Joypad joy-pad Joypop joy-pop Joyride joy-ride Joysome joy-some Joystick joy-stick Juang ju-ang Juar ju-ar Juba ju-ba Jubal ju-bal Jubate ju-bate Jubba jub-ba Jubbah jub-bah Jube ju-be Jubus ju-bus Juco ju-co Judaea ju-daea Judah ju-dah Judas ju-das Judcock jud-cock Judder jud-der Judex ju-dex Judgement judg-ment Judges judg-es Judgess judg-ess Judith ju-dith Judo ju-do Judy ju-dy Jugate ju-gate Juger ju-ger Jugful jug-ful Jugger jug-ger Juggins jug-gins Juggle jug-gle Juggler jug-gler Jugglery jug-glery Juglans ju-glans Juglar ju-glar Jugula jugu-lum Jugulate jugu-late Juicehead juice-head Juicer juic-er Juiceries juic-ery Juju ju-ju Jujube ju-jube Jujuy ju-juy Jukebox juke-box Julep ju-lep Julian ju-lian Julid ju-lid Juliet ju-liet
Two Syllable Words Syllables Julio ju-lio Julus ju-lus July ju-ly Jumart ju-mart Jumbie jum-by Jumble jum-ble Jumbly jum-bly Jumbo jum-bo Jumbuck jum-buck Jumelle ju-melle Jument ju-ment Jumma jum-ma Jumpable jump-able Jumpdrive jump-drive Jumper jump-er Jumpsuit jump-suit Junco jun-co Juncos jun-cos Junction junc-tion Juncture junc-ture Juncus jun-cus Jundie jun-dy Juneau ju-neau Juneteenth june-teenth Jungfrau jung-frau Jungian jung-ian Jungle jun-gle Jungled jun-gled Jungli jun-gli Junior ju-nior Junius ju-nius Junker junk-er Junkers jun-kers Junket jun-ket Junkie junk-ie Junkman junk-man Junkyard junk-yard Juno ju-no Junot ju-not Junta jun-ta Junto jun-to Junín ju-nín Jupon ju-pon Jura ju-ra Jural ju-ral Jurane ju-rane Jurat ju-rat Jurel ju-rel Juried ju-ry Jurist ju-rist Juror ju-ror Juruá ju-ruá Jusi ju-si Jussive jus-sive Justice jus-tice
Two Syllable Words Syllables Justin jus-tin Jutland jut-land Juttied jut-ty Juvia ju-via Juárez juá-rez Jyngine jyn-gine Júcar jú-car Jāmī jā-mī