Here is a list of 2 syllable words that start with ‘I.’ There is a total of 458 two syllables ‘I’ words in these tables.
While making this table, we have removed those words that are no longer used in modern literary works. This list is made following the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If you see any errors in this list, please let us know.
Two Syllable Words Two Syllable Words I’d’ve I’da I’dn’t I-shaped i.e. iamb Ian Iatmul Ibell ibex ibid. ibis Iblis ibrik ICANN ice bear ice cream ice floe ice-cold iceberg icebox Iceland ices ichor icing ickle icky icon ictus icy ID Ida iddah idea ideal ideals ideas idem ident idiom idiots idle idlesse idli Ido idol idose idyll idée IELTS iffy ifrit iftar Igbo igloo ignite ignore ignored ignote Igor IGZO IIFE ikat ikey ikra Ilbert ileus Ilford ilium ill-use illapse illfare illness illude illume illure Ilmer ILY image imam IMAX imband imbar imbase imbibe Imbolc imbrast Imbros imbrue imbue imburse IMG imide Imma immane immense immerge immerse immoved immune immure impact impair impale impaled impales impalm impark impart impasse
Two Syllable Words Two Syllable Words impaste impeach imped impede impel impelled impels impend Imphal imping impinge impings impish implant impleach implex implied implies implike implore imply impone import impose imposed impost impound impregn impress impressed imprest imprint improv improve improved impugn impulse impute in jest in lieu in route in tears in-game in-joke inane inapt inboard inborn inbox inbred Inca incel incend incense incent inception incest inches inching inchings inchmeal inchworm incide incise incite incline inclined include includes income increase increased inculk incult incur incus indeed indemn indent index Indian indice indict indie Indies indies indign indite indole indoles indoor indoors indraw indrawn indri induce induced induct indulge indulged Indus indwell Indy inept inert infall infant infarct infarcts infare
Two Syllable Words Two Syllable Words infect infelt infer inferred infest infield infirm infix inflame inflamed inflate inflect inflict inflood influenced influx info inform informed infound infra infract infringe infuse ingang ingate ingest ingle Ingle ingot ingrain Ingram ingrate ingress ingrew ingrow ingrown ingrowth inhale inhere Inhofe inject injure injured injury inkblot inker inkhorn inkle inkling inkstick inland inlaw inlay inlet inly Inman innard innate inner innie inning innings innit innkeep inpat input inquest inquire inquired inroad inroads inrush insane inscribe inscribed inseam insect insects insert inset inship inshore inside insides insight insist insists insole inspect inspire inspired inspo install installed instance instant instar instate instead insteep instil instill instinct instincts Instow instruct insult insults insure
Two Syllable Words Two Syllable Words intact intake intel intend intense intent inter inter- interest interests intern intime into into’t intone intrant intrigue intrigues intro introit intron intrude inure inured inurned invade invar inveigh inveighed invent inverse invert invest invious invite invoice invoke involve involved inward inwards inwit inwork inwrought io Io io- Iolo ion Ione ipe iPhone IPOF Ipswich ipu Ira Iran Iraq irate ire Irene irene iris irised Irish irksome Irkutsk iron irons irrupt Irvin Irvine Irving Irwell Irwin Isaac ischial ischium Iseult Isham ISIL Isis ISIS Isla Islam island Islay islet ism isn’t iso ISO isot issue issued Issus isthmus Istro- it’d it’ll itches itching itchings itchy item items ithand itis itself itty
Two Syllable Words Two Syllable Words IUPAC Ivan Iver ivied ivory ivy iwan iWar iwi iwis ixnay izba izle izmel Izmir izzard Izzie Izzy