Here is a list of 2 syllable words that start with ‘H.’ There is a total of 1809 words in these tables. Each table is divided into two columns. The left column contains the two-syllable ‘H’ words, and the right column includes the syllables. While making this table, we have removed those words that are no longer used in modern literary works.
Two Syllable Words Syllables Haarder haar-der Haarlem haar-lem Haarlemmermeer hoofd-dorp Haastia haas-tia Haba ha-ba Habab ha-bab Habble hab-ble Haber ha-ber Habile hab-ile Habit hab-it Habnab hab-nab Haboob ha-boob Hachure ha-chure Haché ha-ché Hackbut hack-but Hackee hack-ee Hacker hack-er Hackery hack-ery Hackia hack-ia Hackie hack-ie Hackle hack-le Hackly hack-ly Hackman hack-man Hackney hack-ney Hackneyed hack-neyed Hacksaw hack-saw Hackthorn hack-thorn Hackwork hack-work Hadal ha-dal Hadbot had-bot Hadder had-der Haddie had-die Haddo had-do Haddock had-dock Hades ha-des Hadfield had-field Hadid ha-did Hadith ha-dith Hadland had-land Hadley had-ley Hadna had-na Hadow had-ow Hadrom had-rome Hadron had-ron Haeckel haeck-el Haeju hae-ju Haeltzuks heilt-suk Haffet haf-fet Hafflins haff-lins Hafis ha-fiz Hagar ha-gar Hagberry hag-berry Hagdon hag-don Hagel ha-gel Hagen ha-gen
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hagfish hag-fish Haggai hag-gai Haggard hag-gard Haggis hag-gis Haggle hag-gle Haggy hag-gy Hagia ha-gia Haglet hag-let Hagridden hag-ride Hagworm hag-worm Hahamim ha-kam Hahnium hahn-ium Haida hai-da Haiduk hai-duk Haifa hai-fa Haigle hai-gle Haikai hai-kai Haikal hai-kal Haikou hai-kou Haiku hai-ku Hailstone hail-stone Hailstorm hail-storm Hainai hai-nai Hainan hai-nan Hainaut hai-naut Haiphong hai-phong Hairbreadth hair-breadth Hairbrush hair-brush Haircloth hair-cloth Haircut hair-cut Hairdo hair-do Hairen hair-en Hairline hair-line Hairnet hair-net Hairpiece hair-piece Hairpin hair-pin Hairspring hair-spring Hairstane hair-stane Hairstreak hair-streak Hairstyle hair-style Hairworm hair-worm Haisla hais-la Haithal hai-thal Haiti hai-ti Haitian hai-tian Haitsai hai-tsai Haiver hai-ver Haje ha-je Hajib ha-jib Haka ha-ka Hakea ha-kea Hakim ha-kim Hakka hak-ka Hakluyt hak-luyt Hako ha-ko
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hala ha-la Halal ha-lal Halate hal-ate Halberd hal-berd Haldane hal-dane Halder hal-der Haldu hal-du Haleness hale-ness Haler ha-ler Halesome hale-some Halfa hal-fa Halfback half-back Halfbeak half-beak Halflin half-ling Halflings half-lings Halfly half-ly Halfmens half-mens Halfpace half-pace Halftime half-time Halftone half-tone Halfway half-way Halide ha-lide Halier ha-lier Haliplankton hali-plankton Halite ha-lite Hallah hal-lah Hallahs chal-lah Hallam hal-lam Hallan hal-lan Halle hal-le Halleck hal-leck Hallel hal-lel Hallen hal-len Halley hal-ley Halling hal-ling Hallion hal-lion Hallmark hall-mark Hallmoot hall-moot Hallo hal-lo Hallock hal-lock Hallow hal-low Hallowed hal-lowed Hallstadt hall-statt Halluces hal-lux Hallway hall-way Halma hal-ma Halmstad halm-stad Halo ha-lo Halon ha-lon Halotolerant halo-tolerant Haloxene hal-oxene Halsen hal-sen Halsey hal-sey Halsted hal-sted
Two Syllable Words Syllables Halter hal-ter Haltere hal-tere Halting halt-ing Halutz ha-lutz Halutza ha-lutza Halva hal-vah Halvers halv-ers Halyard hal-yard Hama ha-ma Hamal ha-mal Haman ha-man Hamate ha-mate Hamble ham-ble Hambo ham-bo Hambro ham-bro Hamburg ham-burg Hamden ham-den Hameil ha-meil Hamel ham-el Hamelin ha-meln Hametz ha-metz Hamewith hame-with Hamfare ham-fare Hamheung ham-hung Hamilt ha-milt Hamite ham-ite Hamlet ham-let Hamlin ham-lin Hammam ham-mam Hammer ham-mer Hammered ham-mered Hammett ham-mett Hammier ham-my Hammock ham-mock Hammond ham-mond Hampden hamp-den Hamper ham-per Hamprace hamp-race Hampshire hamp-shire Hampstead hamp-stead Hampton hamp-ton Hamsocn ham-socn Hamster ham-ster Hamstery ham-stery Hamstring ham-string Hamsun ham-sun Hamtramck ham-tramck Hamus ha-mus Hamza ham-za Hanap han-ap Hancock han-cock Handbag hand-bag Handball hand-ball Handbell hand-bell Handbill hand-bill
Two Syllable Words Syllables Handblown hand-blown Handbook hand-book Handbreadth hand-breadth Handbreed hand-breed Handcar hand-car Handcart hand-cart Handclasp hand-clasp Handcraft hand-craft Handcuff hand-cuff Handed hand-ed Handel han-del Hander hand-er Handfast hand-fast Handful hand-ful Handgrip hand-grip Handgun hand-gun Handheld hand-held Handhold hand-hold Handier han-dy Handle han-dle Handler han-dler Handless hand-less Handling han-dling Handlist hand-list Handmade hand-made Handout hand-out Handpick hand-pick Handpress hand-press Handprint hand-print Handrail hand-rail Handsaw hand-saw Handsbreadth hands-breadth Handsel hand-sel Handset hand-set Handshake hand-shake Handsome hand-some Handspan hand-span Handspeak hand-speak Handspike hand-spike Handspring hand-spring Handstand hand-stand Handwaving hand-wav-ing Handwheel hand-wheel Handwork hand-work Handwringer hand-wring-ing Handwrite hand-write Handwrought hand-wrought Handyman handy-man Handyweight handy-weight Hanford han-ford Hangar han-gar Hangby hang-by Hangchou hang-zhou Hangdog hang-dog Hanger hang-er
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hangie hang-ie Hanging hang-ing Hangle hang-le Hangman hang-man Hangment hang-ment Hangnail hang-nail Hangout hang-out Hangover hang-over Hangrier han-gry Hangtag hang-tag Hangul han-gul Hangö han-ko Hanif ha-nif Hanifite hani-fite Hanis ha-nis Hanker han-ker Hankie han-kie Hankle han-kle Hankow han-kow Hanksite hanks-ite Hankul han-kul Hanna han-na Hanno han-no Hano ha-no Hanoi ha-noi Hansa han-sa Hansard han-sard Hansen han-sen Hansom han-som Hanson han-son Hansson hans-son Hanswurst hans-wurst Hantik han-tik Hantle han-tle Hanuman hanu-man Hanyang han-yang Haole hao-le Haoma hao-ma Haora hao-ra Haori hao-ri Hapless hap-less Haploid hap-loid Haplont hap-lont Haply hap-ly Happen hap-pen Happer hap-per Happier hap-py Hapsburg haps-burg Hapten hap-ten Haptere hap-tere Haptic hap-tic Haptics hap-tics Haptor hap-tor Hapu ha-pu
Two Syllable Words Syllables Haqueton haque-ton Haram ha-ram Harangue ha-rangue Haras ha-ras Harass ha-rass Harassedly harassed-ly Harbach har-bach Harbin har-bin Harbor har-bor Harbour har-bour Hardback hard-back Hardball hard-ball Hardboard hard-board Hardboot hard-boot Hardbound hard-bound Hardcase hard-case Harden hard-en Hardhack hard-hack Hardhead hard-head Hardie har-die Hardier har-dy Hardim har-dim Harding har-ding Hardish hard-ish Hardly hard-ly Hardmouthed hard-mouthed Hardness hard-ness Hardnose hard-nose Hardpack hard-pack Hardpan hard-pan Hardscape hard-scape Hardship hard-ship Hardstand hard-stand Hardtack hard-tack Hardtop hard-top Hardware hard-ware Hardwired hard-wired Hardwood hard-wood Harebell hare-bell Harebrained hare-brained Harelip hare-lip Harem har-em Harer ha-rer Harfang har-fang Hargreaves har-greaves Harken heark-en Harlan har-lan Harlech har-lech Harlem har-lem Harley har-ley Harlot har-lot Harman har-man Harmful harm-ful Harmless harm-less Harmost har-most
Two Syllable Words Syllables Harmsworth harms-worth Harness har-ness Harnpan harn-pan Haroche ha-roche Harold har-old Harpa har-pa Harper harp-er Harpes har-pes Harpies har-py Harpin harp-in Harpless harp-less Harpoon har-poon Harras har-ras Harried har-ried Harris har-ris Harrow har-row Harrumph har-rumph Harry har-ry Harshen harsh-en Harslet hars-let Hartal har-tal Hartebeest harte-beest Hartford hart-ford Hartite hart-ite Hartshorn harts-horn Hartung har-tung Hartwell hart-well Harvard har-vard Harvest har-vest Harvey har-vey Harwich har-wich Hasa al-ha-sa Hashab hash-ab Hasher hash-er Hashery hash-ery Hashish hash-ish Hashtag hash-tag Hasid ha-sid Haslet has-let Hasna has-na Hassam has-sam Hassar has-sar Hasselt has-selt Hassle has-sle Hassler hass-ler Hassock has-sock Hassocky has-socky Hasta has-ta Hastate has-tate Hasteful haste-ful Hasteless haste-less Hasten has-ten Haster hast-er Hastert has-tert Hastings has-tings
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hatay ha-tay Hatband hat-band Hatbox hat-box Hatchback hatch-back Hatcheck hat-check Hatchel hatch-el Hatcheries hatch-ery Hatchet hatch-et Hatching hatch-ing Hatchite hatch-ite Hatchling hatch-ling Hatchman hatch-man Hatchment hatch-ment Hatchway hatch-way Hateable hate-able Hateful hate-ful Hateless hate-less Hater hat-er Hatful hat-ful Hathor hath-or Hati ha-ti Hatred ha-tred Hatsa hat-sa Hatter hat-ter Hatti hat-ti Hattic hat-tic Hattock hat-tock Hauberk hau-berk Haughey haugh-ey Haughtier haugh-ty Haulage haul-age Hauler haul-er Haulier haul-ier Haunchless haunch-less Haunting haunt-ing Haunty haun-ty Haupia hau-pia Hauptman haupt-man Hauptmann haupt-mann Hausa hau-sa Hausen hau-sen Hausfrau haus-frau Haussmann hauss-mann Haustus haus-tus Hautbois haut-bois Hautboist haut-boist Hauteur hau-teur Havage hav-age Havana ha-vana Havant hav-ant Havel ha-vel Havelock have-lock Haven ha-ven Haver ha-ver Havings ha-vings
Two Syllable Words Syllables Havior hav-ior Havna hav-na Havoc hav-oc Havre le Hawaii ha-waii Hawer haw-er Hawfinch haw-finch Hawker hawk-er Hawkery hawk-ery Hawkey haw-kie Hawkeye hawk-eye Hawkeyed hawk-eyed Hawking haw-king Hawkins haw-kins Hawkish hawk-ish Hawklike hawk-like Hawksbill hawks-bill Hawkshaw hawk-shaw Hawkweed hawk-weed Hawok ha-wok Haworth haw-orth Hawsehole hawse-hole Hawser haw-ser Hawthorn haw-thorn Hawthorne haw-thorne Haycock hay-cock Hayek hay-ek Hayer hay-er Hayfield hay-field Haylage hay-lage Hayloft hay-loft Haymow hay-mow Hayrack hay-rack Hayrick hay-rick Hayride hay-ride Hayseed hay-seed Haysel hay-sel Haystack hay-stack Hayward hay-ward Haywire hay-wire Hazan ha-zan Hazard haz-ard Hazel ha-zel Hazing haz-ing Hazle ha-zle Hazlitt haz-litt Hazmat haz-mat Haček ha-ček Headache head-ache Headband head-band Headboard head-board Headbutt head-butt Headcheese head-cheese Headdress head-dress Headed head-ed
Two Syllable Words Syllables Headend head-end Header head-er Headfirst head-first Headful head-ful Headgate head-gate Headgear head-gear Headhunt head-hunt Heading head-ing Headlamp head-lamp Headland head-land Headle hea-dle Headless head-less Headlight head-light Headlike head-like Headline head-line Headlock head-lock Headlong head-long Headman head-man Headmost head-most Headnote head-note Headphone head-phone Headpiece head-piece Headpin head-pin Headrail head-rail Headrest head-rest Headroom head-room Headsail head-sail Headscarf head-scarf Headset head-set Headship head-ship Headshot head-shot Headsman heads-man Headspace head-space Headspring head-spring Headstall head-stall Headstand head-stand Headstock head-stock Headstone head-stone Headstream head-stream Headstrong head-strong Headward head-ward Headwark head-wark Headway head-way Headwind head-wind Headword head-word Headwork head-work Healable heal-able Healder heald-er Healer heal-er Healsome heal-some Healthful health-ful Healthless health-less Healthsome health-some Healy hea-ly
Two Syllable Words Syllables Heaney hea-ney Hearable hear-able Hearing hear-ing Hearsay hear-say Hearstling hearst-ling Heartache heart-ache Heartbeat heart-beat Heartbreak heart-break Heartburn heart-burn Hearted heart-ed Hearten heart-en Heartfelt heart-felt Heartful heart-ful Hearthless hearth-less Hearthstone hearth-stone Heartland heart-land Heartless heart-less Heartsease hearts-ease Heartsick heart-sick Heartsome heart-some Heartsore heart-sore Heartstring heart-string Heartthrob heart-throb Heartwood heart-wood Heartworm heart-worm Heated heat-ed Heater heat-er Heatful heat-ful Heathen hea-then Heather heath-er Heathered heath-ered Heathery heath-ery Heathland heath-land Heatstroke heat-stroke Heaumer heaum-er Heaveless heave-less Heaven heav-en Heavily heavi-ly Heavyset heavy-set Heavyweight heavy-weight Hebbel heb-bel Hebe he-be Hebei he-bei Heber he-ber Hebrew he-brew Hebrews he-brews Hebron he-bron Hecate hec-ate Hechima hechi-ma Hechsher hech-sher Hechtia hech-tia Heckle heck-le Heckler heck-ler Heckman heck-man Hecla hek-la
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hectare hect-are Hecte hec-te Hectic hec-tic Hector hec-tor Heddle hed-dle Heddler hed-dler Heder he-der Hedera hed-era Hedgebote hedge-bote Hedgehog hedge-hog Hedgehop hedge-hop Hedgeless hedge-less Hedgepig hedge-pig Hedgerow hedge-row Hedin he-din Heedful heed-ful Heedless heed-less Heeger hee-ger Heelball heel-ball Heeler heel-er Heelpiece heel-piece Heeltap heel-tap Heemraad heem-raad Heerlen heer-len Hefei he-fei Hefter heft-er Hegari he-gari Hegel he-gel Hehe he-he Heian hei-an Heiau hei-au Heifer heif-er Heifetz hei-fetz Heighten height-en Heightism height-ism Heilbronn heil-bronn Heimin hei-min Heine hei-ne Heinesque hei-nesque Heinie hei-nie Heinous hei-nous Heirdom heir-dom Heiress heir-ess Heirloom heir-loom Heirmoi hir-mos Heishe hei-shi Heister heist-er Hejaz he-jaz Helbeh hel-beh Helenin hele-nin Helices he-lix Helixin helix-in Hellbroth hell-broth Hellcat hell-cat Hellene hel-lene
Two Syllable Words Syllables Heller hell-er Helleri hel-leri Hellfire hell-fire Hellhole hell-hole Hellhound hell-hound Hellier hel-lier Hellion hel-lion Hellish hell-ish Hellman hell-man Hello hel-lo Hellscape hell-scape Hellward hell-ward Helmand hel-mand Helmet hel-met Helmholtz helm-holtz Helminth hel-minth Helmless helm-less Helmond hel-mond Helmsman helms-man Helmstedt helm-stedt Helo he-lo Helot hel-ot Helpable help-able Helper help-er Helpful help-ful Helping help-ing Helpless help-less Helpmate help-mate Helpmeet help-meet Helvin hel-vite Helxine helxi-ne Helzel hel-zel Hemad he-mad Hemans he-mans Hemera hem-era Hemet hem-et Hemianatropous hemi-anatropous Hemiascomycetes hemi-ascomycetes Hemiauxin hemi-auxin Hemibasidiomycetes hemi-basidiomycetes Hemibasidium hemi-basidium Hemibenthic hemi-benthic Hemibranch hemi-branch Hemibranchiate hemi-branchiate Hemic he-mic Hemicentrum hemi-centrum Hemichorda hemi-chorda Hemichordata hemi-chordata Hemicryptophyte hemi-cryptophyte Hemicrystalline hemi-crystalline Hemicyclic hemi-cyclic Hemidactylous hemi-dactylous Hemidactylus hemi-dactylus Hemidome hemi-dome Hemidystrophy hemi-dystrophy
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hemielytral hemi-elytral Hemielytron hemi-elytron Hemiform hemi-form Hemiglobin hemi-globin Hemiglyph hemi-glyph Hemiholohedral hemi-holohedral Hemikaryon hemi-karyon Hemileia hemi-leia Hemimetabola hemi-metabola Hemimetabole hemi-metabolism Hemimetamorphic hemi-metamorphic Hemimetamorphoses hemi-metamorphosis Hemimorph hemi-morph Hemin he-min Heminge hem-inge Hemiorthotype hemi-orthotype Hemipelagic hemi-pelagic Hemipenis hemi-penis Hemiplankton hemi-plankton Hemipod hemi-pode Hemiprism hemi-prism Hemipyramid hemi-pyramid Hemiquinoid hemi-quinonoid Hemiramph hemi-ramph Hemisaprophyte hemi-saprophyte Hemisphaeriales hemi-sphaeriales Hemisphere hemi-sphere Hemistich hemi-stich Hemisymmetrical hemi-symmetrical Hemisymmetry hemi-symmetry Hemitrope hemi-trope Hemitype hemi-type Hemitypic hemi-typic Hemizygotic hemi-zygotic Hemline hem-line Hemlock hem-lock Hemmel hem-mel Hemoid he-moid Hempen hemp-en Hempstead hemp-stead Hemstitch hem-stitch Henan he-nan Henbane hen-bane Henbit hen-bit Henceforth hence-forth Henchman hench-man Hendecyl hen-decyl Hendon hen-don Hendricks hen-dricks Heneicosane hen-eicosane Hengest hen-gist Hengyang heng-yang Henhouse hen-house Henism hen-ism Henley hen-ley
Two Syllable Words Syllables Henna hen-na Hennebique henne-bique Henneries hen-nery Hennin hen-nin Henny hen-ny Henpeck hen-peck Henri hen-ri Henries hen-ry Henslowe hens-lowe Henson hen-son Hepburn hep-burn Hepcat hep-cat Heppen hep-pen Hepster hep-ster Heptad hep-tad Heptaldehyde hept-aldehyde Heptane hep-tane Heptarch hep-tarch Heptatomic hept-atomic Heptene hep-tene Heptine hep-tyne Heptode hep-tode Heptose hep-tose Heptyl hep-tyl Hepworth hep-worth Hera he-ra Herald her-ald Herat he-rat Herbage herb-age Herbal herb-al Herbart her-bart Herbert her-bert Herbish herb-ish Herbless herb-less Herblet herb-let Herbose herb-ous Herder herd-er Herdic her-dic Herdsman herds-man Herdwick herd-wick Hereabout here-abouts Hereaway here-away Hereby here-by Herein here-in Herem he-rem Hereness here-ness Hereof here-of Hereon here-on Hereto here-to Herewith here-with Herez he-rez Herford her-ford Hering he-ring Herling her-ling Herma her-ma
Two Syllable Words Syllables Herman her-man Hermes her-mes Hermit her-mit Herndon hern-don Herne her-ne Hernia her-nia Herning her-ning Hero he-ro Herod her-od Heron her-on Heroult he-roult Herpes her-pes Herrick her-rick Herring her-ring Herriot her-riot Herrmann herr-mann Herschbach hersch-bach Herschel her-schel Herschelian her-schelian Herself her-self Hersey her-sey Hershko hersh-ko Herten her-ten Hertford hert-ford Hertzian hertz-ian Hertzog hert-zog Herzberg herz-berg Herzog her-zog Heshvan hesh-van Hesped hes-ped Hesse hes-se Hessian hes-sian Hessite hess-ite Hestia hes-tia Hetero het-ero Hetman het-man Heuchera heu-chera Hevea he-vea Hewgag hew-gag Hewish hew-ish Hewlet hew-let Hexachloroplatinate hexa-chloroplatinate Hexachord hexa-chord Hexad hex-ad Hexadecyl hexa-decyl Hexafluoride hexa-fluoride Hexagon hexa-gon Hexagram hexa-gram Hexahydroxy hexa-hydroxy Hexametaphosphate hexa-metaphosphate Hexamethyl hexa-methyl Hexamethylene hexa-methylene Hexamethylenediamine hexamethylene-diamine Hexammine hex-ammine Hexane hex-ane
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hexapartite hexa-partite Hexapetaloid hexa-petaloid Hexapetalous hexa-petalous Hexaploid hexa-ploid Hexapod hexa-pod Hexarch hex-arch Hexasyllabic hexa-syllabic Hexasyllable hexa-syllable Hexateuch hexa-teuch Hexatomic hex-atomic Hexene hex-ene Hexine hex-ine Hexoctahedral hex-octahedral Hexoctahedron hex-octahedron Hexode hex-ode Hexone hex-one Hexose hex-ose Hexoxide hex-oxide Hexpartite hex-partite Hextetrahedral hex-tetrahedral Hextetrahedron hex-tetrahedron Hexyl hex-yl Hexyne hex-yne Heyday hey-day Heydrich hey-drich Heymans hey-mans Heyward hey-ward Heywood hey-wood Hiba hi-ba Hibernia ire-land Hibschite hibsch-ite Hican hic-can Hiccough hic-cup Hickey hick-ey Hickok hick-ok Hicksite hicks-ite Hickwall hick-wall Hidable hid-able Hidage hid-age Hidden hid-den Hideaway hide-away Hidebound hide-bound Hideless hide-less Hideosity hid-eous Hideout hide-out Hidlings hid-lings Hielan hie-lan Hiemal hi-emal Hieron hi-ero Hierro hier-ro Higgle hig-gle Highball high-ball Highborn high-born Highboy high-boy Highbred high-bred
Two Syllable Words Syllables Highbrow high-brow Highbush high-bush Highish high-ish Highjack high-jack Highjacked hi-jack Highland high-land Highlands high-lands Highlife high-life Highlight high-light Highlone high-lone Highly high-ly Highness high-ness Highspot high-spot Hightail high-tail Highway high-way Hijab hi-jab Hijinks hi-jinks Hijra hij-ra Hila hi-lum Hilar hi-lar Hilbert hil-bert Hilding hil-ding Hillcrest hill-crest Hillel hil-lel Hilliard hil-liard Hillman hill-man Hillo hil-lo Hillock hill-ock Hillsboro hills-boro Hillside hill-side Hillslope hill-slope Hilltop hill-top Hilo hi-lo Hilsa hil-sa Hilton hil-ton Hima hi-ma Himbo him-bo Himene hime-ne Himmler himm-ler Himself him-self Hinau hi-nau Hindbrain hind-brain Hinder hin-der Hindgut hind-gut Hindi hin-di Hindmost hind-most Hindoo hin-du Hindrance hin-drance Hindsight hind-sight Hine hi-ne Hinesville hines-ville Hiney hi-ney Hingedly hinged-ly Hingeless hinge-less Hinger hing-er
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hingle hin-gle Hinkier hin-ky Hinmost hin-most Hinna hin-na Hinner hin-ner Hinney hin-ney Hinnies hin-ny Hipless hip-less Hipline hip-line Hipness hip-ness Hippa hip-pa Hipparch hip-parch Hippen hip-pen Hippic hip-pic Hippie hip-pie Hippish hip-pish Hipple hip-ple Hippo hip-po Hippoid hip-poid Hippy hip-py Hipshot hip-shot Hipster hip-ster Hirable hir-able Hircine hir-cine Hireless hire-less Hireling hire-ling Hirling hir-ling Hirple hir-ple Hirsel hir-sel Hirstie hirst-ie Hirsute hir-sute Hirundine hirun-dine Hispa his-pa Hispid his-pid Hispine his-pine Hissable hiss-able Hisself his-self Hister his-ter Histie hist-ie Histone his-tone Histrio his-trio Histrix his-trix Hitchcock hitch-cock Hitchhike hitch-hike Hither hith-er Hitler hit-ler Hitti hit-ti Hittite hit-tite Hittorf hit-torf Hiver hiv-er Hiveward hive-ward Hivite hi-vite Hiya hi-ya Hizzie hiz-zie Hjelmite hjelm-ite
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hoagie hoa-gie Hoarder hoard-er Hoarding hoard-ing Hoarfrost hoar-frost Hoarsen hoars-en Hoasca hoas-ca Hoatzin hoa-tzin Hobart ho-bart Hobber hob-ber Hobbesian hobbes-ian Hobbies hob-by Hobbil hob-bil Hobbism hob-bism Hobbit hob-bit Hobble hob-ble Hobbly hob-bly Hobnail hob-nail Hobnob hob-nob Hobo ho-bo Hobthrush hob-thrush Hoccleve hoc-cleve Hochelaga hoche-laga Hochmoor hoch-moor Hockday hock-day Hocket hock-et Hockey hock-ey Hocking hock-ing Hockney hock-ney Hockshop hock-shop Hocus ho-cus Hodad ho-dad Hodag ho-dag Hodden hod-den Hoddle hod-dle Hodful hod-ful Hodgepodge hodge-podge Hodgkin hodg-kin Hodman hod-man Hoecake hoe-cake Hoedown hoe-down Hofer ho-fer Hoffa hof-fa Hoffman hoff-man Hoffmann hoff-mann Hofmann hof-mann Hofuf Hu·fuf Hogan ho-gan Hogarth ho-garth Hogback hog-back Hogben hog-ben Hogfish hog-fish Hoggar ahag-gar Hoggees hog-gy Hogger hog-ger Hoggery hog-gery
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hogget hog-get Hoggin hog-gin Hoggish hog-gish Hoghead hog-head Hogling hog-ling Hogman hog-man Hogo ho-go Hogsbane hogs-bane Hogshead hogs-head Hogskin hog-skin Hogsteer hogs-teer Hogwash hog-wash Hogweed hog-weed Hohe ho-he Hohhot hoh-hot Hoistman hoist-man Hoja ho-ja Hoka ho-kan Hokey hok-ey Hokhmah hokh-mah Hokku hok-ku Hokum ho-kum Hola ho-la Holbein hol-bein Holberg hol-berg Holcus hol-cus Holdable hold-able Holdall hold-all Holdback hold-back Holden hold-en Holder hold-er Holdfast hold-fast Holding hold-ing Holdman hold-man Holdout hold-out Holdover hold-over Holdup hold-up Holeable hole-able Holeless hole-less Holer hol-er Holey hol-ey Holguín hol-guín Holi ho-li Holia ho-lia Holier ho-ly Holism ho-lism Holland hol-land Hollande hol-lande Hollands hol-lands Hollen hol-lin Holler hol-ler Hollies hol-ly Hollo hol-lo Hollong hol-long Hollow hol-low
Two Syllable Words Syllables Holmberry holm-berry Holmesian holmes-ian Holmgang holm-gang Holoaxial holo-axial Holobaptist holo-baptist Holobenthic holo-benthic Holocellulose holo-cellulose Holocrystalline holo-crystalline Hologamete holo-gamete Hologonidium holo-gonidium Holohemihedral holo-hemihedral Holohyaline holo-hyaline Holomastigote holo-mastigote Holometabola holo-metabola Holometabolic holo-metabolic Holometaboly holo-metaboly Holonephros holo-nephros Holophrase holo-phrase Holoptic hol-optic Holorhinal holo-rhinal Holosaprophyte holo-saprophyte Holosericeous holo-sericeous Holosiderite holo-siderite Holosiphonate holo-siphonate Holosteric holo-steric Holosymmetric holo-symmetric Holosystematic holo-systematic Holothecal holo-thecal Holothoracic holo-thoracic Holpen hol-pen Holstein hol-stein Holster hol-ster Holston hol-ston Holyhead holy-head Holyoake hol-yoake Holyoke hol-yoke Homa ho-ma Homage hom-age Homatomic hom-atomic Homaxial hom-axial Hombre hom-bre Homburg hom-burg Homebody home-body Homebound home-bound Homeboy home-boy Homebred home-bred Homebuilt home-built Homegirl home-girl Homegrown home-grown Homel ho-myel’ Homeland home-land Homeless home-less Homelier home-ly Homelike home-like Homelyn home-lyn
Two Syllable Words Syllables Homemade home-made Homeport home-port Homer ho-mer Homeroom home-room Homeschool home-school Homesick home-sick Homesite home-site Homespun home-spun Homestay home-stay Homestead home-stead Homester home-ster Homestretch home-stretch Homestyle home-style Hometown home-town Homeward home-ward Homewood home-wood Homework home-work Homey hom-ey Homiculture homi-culture Homish hom-ish Homo ho-mo Homobasidiomycetes homo-basidiomycetes Homobasidium homo-basidium Homocentric homo-centric Homocharge homo-charge Homochlamydeous homo-chlamydeous Homochromatic homo-chromatic Homochromosome homo-chromosome Homoclime homo-clime Homocline homo-cline Homodermic homo-dermic Homodynamic homo-dynamic Homodyne homo-dyne Homogangliate homo-gangliate Homogenesis homo-genesis Homogenetic homo-genetic Homogone homo-gone Homometrical homo-metrical Homonym hom-onym Homoosis homo-osis Homophyletic homo-phyletic Homoploid homo-ploid Homopolymerization homo-polymerization Homopolymerize homo-polymerize Homorganic hom-organic Homostyled homo-styled Homotypy homo-typy Homrai hom-rai Honcho hon-cho Honda hon-da Hondo hon-shu Honest hon-est Honestone hone-stone Honewort hone-wort Honey hon-ey
Two Syllable Words Syllables Honeyed hon-eyed Honfleur hon-fleur Hongshui hong-shui Hongze hong-ze Honker honk-er Honkey hon-ky Honor hon-or Honthorst hont-horst Hontish hon-tish Hoochie hooch-ie Hooded hood-ed Hoodie hood-ie Hoodless hood-less Hoodlum hood-lum Hoodoo hoo-doo Hoodwink hood-wink Hooey hoo-ey Hoofbeat hoof-beat Hoofer hoof-er Hoofless hoof-less Hooflet hoof-let Hoofprint hoof-print Hoogaars hoog-aars Hooghly hu-gli Hookah hoo-kah Hooker hook-er Hookish hook-ish Hookless hook-less Hooklet hook-let Hookman hook-man Hookum hook-um Hookup hook-up Hookworm hook-worm Hookwormy hook-wormy Hoolet hoo-let Hooley hoo-ley Hoolian hoo-ley-ann Hoolock hoo-lock Hooly hoo-ly Hoopedness hooped-ness Hoopid hoo-pid Hoopla hoop-la Hoopless hoop-less Hoopman hoop-man Hoopoe hoo-poe Hoopskirt hoop-skirt Hoopster hoop-ster Hoorah hoo-rah Hooray hoo-ray Hooroosh hoo-roosh Hoosegow hoose-gow Hoosier hoo-sier Hooter hoot-er Hoover hoo-ver Hopak ho-pak
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hopea ho-pea Hopeful hope-ful Hopeite hope-ite Hopeless hope-less Hopewell hope-well Hophead hop-head Hopi ho-pi Hopkins hop-kins Hoplite hop-lite Hoppe hop-pe Hopper hop-per Hoppet hop-pet Hoppier hop-py Hopping hop-ping Hopple hop-ple Hoppytoad hop-toad Hopsack hop-sack Hopscotch hop-scotch Hopseed hop-seed Hopwood hop-wood Hora ho-ra Horace hor-ace Horae ho-rae Horehound hore-hound Horite ho-rite Horkey hor-key Horme hor-me Hormic hor-mic Hormism hor-mism Hormone hor-mone Hormonic hor-monic Hormoz hor-moz Hormuz hor-muz Hornbeam horn-beam Hornbill horn-bill Hornblende horn-blende Hornbook horn-book Hornchurch horn-church Horndog horn-dog Horner horn-er Hornet hor-net Horney hor-ney Hornfels horn-fels Hornist horn-ist Hornpipe horn-pipe Hornstone horn-stone Horntail horn-tail Hornworm horn-worm Hornwort horn-wort Horoscope horo-scope Horrent hor-rent Horrid hor-rid Horror hor-ror Horry hor-ry Horseback horse-back
Two Syllable Words Syllables Horsebean horse-bean Horsecar horse-car Horseflesh horse-flesh Horsefly horse-fly Horsehair horse-hair Horseheal horse-heal Horsehide horse-hide Horselaugh horse-laugh Horseman horse-man Horsemint horse-mint Horsens hor-sens Horseplay horse-play Horseshit horse-shit Horseshoe horse-shoe Horsetail horse-tail Horsetree horse-tree Horseweed horse-weed Horsewhip horse-whip Horsey hors-ey Horus ho-rus Horvitz hor-vitz Hosea ho-sea Hosebird hose-bird Hosel ho-sel Hoseless hose-less Hoseman hose-man Hosen hos-en Hosepipe hose-pipe Hosier ho-sier Hosiery ho-siery Hospice hos-pice Hosta hos-ta Hostage hos-tage Hostal host-al Hostel hos-tel Hostess host-ess Hostile hos-tile Hostler hos-tler Hostless host-less Hostling hos-tling Hostly host-ly Hostry hos-try Hotan ho-tan Hotbed hot-bed Hotblood hot-blood Hotbox hot-box Hotcake hot-cake Hotcha hot-cha Hotchpot hotch-pot Hotchpotch hotch-potch Hotdog hot-dog Hotel ho-tel Hotfoot hot-foot Hothead hot-head Hothouse hot-house
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hotline hot-line Hotly hot-ly Hotnot hot-not Hotshot hot-shot Hotten hot-ten Hottie hot-tie Houdan hou-dan Houdie hou-die Houdon hou-don Hougher hough-er Houhere hou-here Houma hou-ma Houndish hound-ish Houndstooth hounds-tooth Hounslow houns-low Houppelande houppe-lande Hourage hour-age Hourglass hour-glass Houri hou-ri Hourless hour-less Hourly hour-ly Houseboat house-boat Housebote house-bote Housebound house-bound Houseboy house-boy Housebreak house-break Housecarl house-carl Houseclean house-clean Housecoat house-coat Housedress house-dress Housefast house-fast Housefly house-fly Housefront house-front Houseguest house-guest Household house-hold Housekeep house-keep Housel hou-sel Houseleek house-leek Houselet house-let Houselights house-lights Housemaid house-maid Houseman house-man Housemate house-mate Housen hous-en Houseplant house-plant Houser hous-er Houseroom house-room Housetop house-top Houseward house-ward Housewares house-wares Housewife house-wife Housework house-work Housing hous-ing Housman hous-man Houssay hous-say
Two Syllable Words Syllables Houston hous-ton Houting hout-ing Houtou hou-tou Hova ho-va Hovel hov-el Hoven ho-ven Hover hov-er Hovis ho-vis Howard how-ard Howdah how-dah Howder how-der Howdie how-die Howdies how-dy Howea how-ea Howel how-el Howell how-ell Howells how-ells Howish how-ish Howkit howk-it Howler howl-er Howlet howl-et Howling howl-ing Howlite how-lite Hoyden hoy-den Hoyman hoy-man Hrodna grod-no Hryvna hryv-nia Huabis hua-ve Huaca hua-ca Huaco hua-co Huainan huai-nan Hualpis wal-pi Huambo huam-bo Huangpu huang-pu Huari hua-ri Huarpe huar-pe Huastec huas-tec Hubam hu-bam Hubbard hub-bard Hubber hub-ber Hubbies hub-by Hubbite hub-bite Hubble hub-ble Hubbly hub-bly Hubbub hub-bub Hubcap hub-cap Hubei hu-bei Huber hu-ber Hubris hu-bris Huch hu-chen Huchnom huch-nom Hucho hu-cho Huckle huck-le Huckster huck-ster Huddinge hud-dinge
Two Syllable Words Syllables Huddle hud-dle Huddup hud-dup Hudson hud-son Hueful hue-ful Huehuetl hue-huetl Hueless hue-less Huelva huel-va Huerta huer-ta Huesca hues-ca Huffish huff-ish Huffle huf-fle Hugeous huge-ous Huggins hug-gins Huggle hug-gle Hugo hu-go Huhu hu-hu Huia hu-ia Huichol hui-chol Huila hui-la Huilie hui-lie Huipil hui-pil Huisquil huis-quil Huitain hui-tain Huizhou hui-zhou Hula hu-la Hulking hulk-ing Hullet hul-let Hullion hul-lion Hullo hul-lo Hulloo hul-loo Hulock hu-lock Hulsite hul-site Hulver hul-ver Huma hu-ma Human hu-man Humane hu-mane Humate hu-mate Humber hum-ber Humble hum-ble Humboldt hum-boldt Humbug hum-bug Humdrum hum-drum Humect hu-mect Humet hu-met Humhum hum-hum Humic hu-mic Humid hu-mid Humism hum-ism Humit hu-mit Humite hum-ite Humlie hum-lie Hummel hum-mel Hummer hum-mer Hummock hum-mock Hummum hum-mum
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hummus hum-mus Humor hu-mor Humour hu-mour Humous hu-mous Humpback hump-back Humpbacked hump-backed Humphrey hum-phrey Humpless hump-less Humpty hump-ty Humus hu-mus Humvee hum-vee Hunan hu-nan Hunchback hunch-back Hunder hun-der Hundi hun-di Hundo hun-do Hundred hun-dred Hunger hun-ger Hungover hung-over Hungrier hun-gry Hunker hun-ker Hunkers hun-kers Hunkie hun-ky Hunnic hun-nic Hunnish hun-nish Huntable hunt-able Hunter hunt-er Hunting hunt-ing Huntress hunt-ress Huntsman hunts-man Huntsville hunts-ville Hunyak hun-yak Hupa hu-pa Huppah hup-pah Hura hu-ra Hurcheon hur-cheon Hurden hurd-en Hurdies hur-dies Hurdle hur-dle Hurkle hur-kle Hurley hur-ley Hurling hurl-ing Hurly hur-ly Huro hu-ro Huron hu-ron Hurple hur-ple Hurrah hur-rah Hurri hur-ri Hurria hur-ria Hurried hur-ried Hurrier hur-ry Hurrite hur-rite Hurrock hur-rock Hurston hurs-ton Hurtable hurt-able
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hurtful hurt-ful Hurtle hur-tle Hurtless hurt-less Hurwicz hur-wicz Husband hus-band Hushful hush-ful Huskened husk-ened Huskier hus-ky Husking husk-ing Huso hu-so Hussar hus-sar Hussein hus-sein Husserl hus-serl Hussies hus-sy Hussite huss-ite Husting hus-ting Hustings hus-tings Hustle hus-tle Hustler hus-tler Huston hus-ton Huszár hu-szár Husák hu-sák Hutchet hutch-et Hutchins hutch-ins Hutia hu-tia Hutman hut-man Hutment hut-ment Hutten hut-ten Hutu hu-tu Hutzpa chutz-pah Hutzpah hutz-pah Hutzul hu-tzul Huxleian hux-ley Huygens huy-gens Huysmans huys-mans Huzza huz-zah Huáscar huás-car Hwaining an-qing Hyatt hy-att Hybla hy-bla Hybrid hy-brid Hydaspes jhe-lum Hydnoid hyd-noid Hydnum hyd-num Hydra hy-dra Hydrant hy-drant Hydranth hy-dranth Hydraotes ra-vi Hydrarch hy-drarch Hydrase hy-drase Hydrate hy-drate Hydria hy-dria Hydric hy-dric Hydride hy-dride Hydro hy-dro
Two Syllable Words Syllables Hydroid hy-droid Hydrol hy-drol Hydrous hy-drous Hydroxy hy-droxy Hygge hyg-ge Hygiene hy-giene Hyksos hyk-sos Hyla hy-la Hylam hy-lam Hyle hy-le Hyleg hy-leg Hylic hy-lic Hylid hy-lid Hyloid hy-loid Hymans hy-mans Hymen hy-men Hymnal hym-nal Hymnbook hymn-book Hymnic hym-nic Hymnist hym-nist Hymnless hymn-less Hyobranchial hyo-branchial Hyoid hy-oid Hyomandibula hyo-mandibula Hyomental hyo-mental Hyoplastra hyo-plastron Hyoscapular hyo-scapular Hyosterna hyo-sternum Hyosternal hyo-sternal Hyothyreoid hyo-thyreoid Hypapophyses hyp-apophysis Hypautomorphic hyp-automorphic Hyper hy-per Hypera hy-pera Hypha hy-pha Hyphen hy-phen Hypnea hyp-nea Hypnoid hyp-noid Hypnos hyp-nos Hypnum hyp-num Hypo hy-po Hypoid hy-poid Hyppish hyp-pish Hyrax hy-rax Hyson hy-son Hyssop hys-sop Hyères hy-ères Hácha há-cha Hébert hé-bert